You are all the stars in my sky

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You are all the stars in my sky 

I never understood

A lovesong

before I met you.

I knew the words.

I knew what it was

to love something

the way the sun

did the moon.

I knew that love

could keep

a family together -

could tether

the broken pieces

and soothe

the frayed edges.

I knew what it was

to die for someone else.

To be willing

to lay down my own life

to preserve another’s.

I knew what it was

to hold hands

to kiss

to cherish,

to promise.

But I never knew

what it was

to share a life,

to entwine my own

so delicately across

the arches of your ribs.

To place the mess

of my heart in your hands

and trust you to write it

into something beautiful.

I’d lay down my life

for those I love

in a breath,

a heartbeat,

but I’d live my life

for you

Memoirs Of A Teenage HeartWhere stories live. Discover now