I once knew a girl

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I once knew a girl

who wrote love with her words,

they shone like the sun

and danced in shimmering brilliance.

She'd smile as she wrote,

pencil carefully gliding across paper -

she created life with her fingers,

lives she hoped would linger.

I once knew a girl

who wrote hope with her words,

they were magical, effortless

and spoke comforting whispers.

She'd grin as she wrote,

pencil flicking across paper -

she wanted them to be happy,

and happy they would be.

I once knew a girl

who wrote loss with her words,

they were icily bitter

and sung their notes full of sorrow.

She'd cry as she wrote,

pencil wobbly across paper -

she tried her best to smile,

but smiling seemed hard for a while.

I once knew a girl

who wrote fear with her words,

they howled eerie choruses

and screamed her terrors.

She'd frown as she wrote,

pencil bravely scratching across paper -

she longed to reach for help,

but what she feared, was herself.

I once knew a girl

who wrote pain with her words,

they burnt like a match

and cut like a knife.

She'd sob as she wrote,

pencil wavering across paper -

she loathed what she had become,

but she had no where left to run.

I once knew a girl

who wrote numbly on her wrist,

it stung like her heartache

but was needed like a drug.

She'd stare as she wrote,

blade carelessly gliding across porcelain -

she took life with her fingers,

life I wish I'd helped linger.

I once knew this girl

alas now,

I do not.

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