On sheets peppered with stars and dreams we lay to rest

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On sheets peppered with stars and dreams we lay to rest

And I know I’m not an easy one

to learn to love,

and I’m much harder, much harder,

to keep.

I know I wound my way

into your veins,

and there I slept

like a poison of a blessing.

I pressed my lips to yours

and tasted dying starlight.

You were rust and the sea breeze,

the rolling of the waves

against the granite of my heart.

Winter and Fall blending together

so terribly that it threw the Earth

from its own axis.

And we went willingly, yes,

we went willingly.

Into the arms of Jupiter,

into the maws of Mars,

into the sunlight

that burned

our hearts


And we stayed, yes, we stayed

in the aftermath of our own destruction.

Waging wars against our own demise,

we fought a future that could never hold

the two of us together.

We fought anyways.

And here we rest, darling, here we rest.

Asleep atop a bed of spilled moonlight

and marooned ink.

The tide has carried us away from ourselves

and we’re lost in the wake 

of our own endings.

I would, I should, write this poem for you

but a period cannot put to rest

a tale of eternity,

and I’d not wish to carve

poetry from our


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