I Only Ever Wanted...

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I Only Ever Wanted...

I only ever wanted chaos.

The tempests in your eyes

threatened to consume my soul -

the greyed blue of a warring sea,

the blued grey of a broken horizon.

The smile that wilted on your lips

dared me to follow it to its grave,

and I thought that beauty only lasts

when a flower dies.

I watched your skin as it paled,

daring to match the kiss of Winter

that held your heart in its maw -

the teeth closed, and crimson bloomed. 

You were the sweetest of poisons

that I carved into my heart.

You overcame my every vein

and I burned to ashes beneath your fire.

I became the dust on every bookshelf,

holding poems more sweetly than time.

I became the rust in every spine

tethering them to a faltering plea -

I only ever wanted peace.

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