Trolling...Like A boss

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The Art Of Trolling...She Does It With Skill...

At a distance I'd steal quick glances at the stars gleaming within your eyes.

First I saw them shine with wonder that nothing could ever come close to matching.

I longed for your attention and to be perfect in your eyes.

Was it a waste of time? 

Terrified thoughts carving doubt and skeptical images inside my head.

To tell you the truth, I loved everything about you, nothing was wrong.

Tell me what do you see when you're looking at me.

You stole my heart, ripped it from me and stalked away with a malicious grin.

But how could you? 

Now I've woken from that delusion, I see all I thought you were was an illusion.

That every word you said never meant trust, every smile you gave was a trick.

You could've been the centre piece of my obsession.

Know you gave it all up, handed it all away, never looked back on it.

I swore you were the one to lift my feet off the ground and spin me around.

See I believed it.

How I wish now I'd listened to my friends and their words of wisdom.

Much of which could've saved every letter on this page from forming in my head.

Of ever coming to my fingers to press each key, type each word, feel the pain again.

A surge of feelings dipped in lethal poison, killing me slowly with every emotion.

Pricking my finger on a spindle would hurt less than the thoughts that haunt me at night.

You have really done it this time, you fucking cold-hearted dick.

Are you even aware of that?

Well so much for you.

Done, it's gone, left to be blown away with the winds of sorrow and loss.

Broken angels only fly once.

Reliving every painful moment in their fall.

After she'll wonder if she couldn't have avoided it.

Did she deserve it after all? 

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