Little Red String Of Fate

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Little Red String Of Fate

"According to the myth,

the gods tie an invisible red string

around the little finger of people, 

people who are destined to be soul mates

and will one day marry each other.

It can get twisted and knotted

but it will never be broken."


I like that you see,

the idea of 'Meant to be'

there's something so pretty

about  'Supose to be'

Something so definite and sure,

the idea of it being 'Law' 

and though you wont be standing on the shore,

the sea will know,

our love is foretold, foreseen, aglow, 

awaiting the moment were we both know

for sure,

that 'Law'

We're tied by string so strong,

unseen by us for so long

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