Chapter 16: Emotions

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(Chapters 16 - 18 are inspired by PghLFilms!  Check him out on YouTube!)

The next morning, Daphne didn't seem like herself.

Last night, she seemed slightly restless over what she had dreamed about.  She had several visions about the man, and it was slowly driving her insane.  Why was he taunting her like this?  What did he want from her?  

Why was this setting Daphne off anyway?  She knew that she shouldn't get mad over this.  But at the same time, he was taunting her.  Making her think that her friends here had used her.  Like she was once before.  

Wait, she was protecting them? Well, she always did.  She didn't realize that she was slowly putting her trust in them gradually.  Daphne stood in the middle of her room, trying to get the dream out of her mind from the night before.

But after what she had just heard, could she?  Out of all people, why did it have to be her?  What was so special about her that caused the man to speak to her?

"I'm just a police officer, a normal human, with a normal life.  What makes me special to him?"  Daphne crossed her arms slowly.  If the man knew so much, did he know about what happened before she even moved to Lucella?  The female really hoped that it wasn't possible.

Pony had told her that the man had spoken to him too.  But Daphne felt like she was the bigger problem here.  Suddenly, the door opened, making Daphne turn her head to it.

"Daphne?  Are you going downstairs to eat.  Breakfast is done."  It was Pony, who had peeked into the room.  Daphne gave a small smile yet nodded.  "I'll be down in a few minutes."

Pony smiled back and nodded.  He closed the door behind him.  For most of the time she was in Lucella, she was known to stay quiet and not talk to others about her own problems.  Instead, she was one to listen to someone's problems without any judgement.

"I mustn't tell anyone about what happened... they don't deserve to know until everything is okay."  Daphne mumbled under her breath, looking at the ceiling.  Willow sort of knew about her situation.  Pony knew too.  But that was all.  But the man in the dream was making her... angry.  Why?  Daphne usually had a calm look on her face most of the time but hiding in her emotions as well.  So, seeing Daphne angry was a rare thing.

The last time Daphne was angry was back in high school.  The emotions she last felt were angry, betrayed, and resentful.  However, her sister had taught her a lesson.  To not hurt others with her anger.  And since then, Daphne had kept that advice from her sister.  She even told that piece of advice to Georgie, which fortunately worked out okay.  But still, Daphne still felt anger, and she knew why.

Was the man trying to get on her bad side?  For the whole time she was in Lucella, no one had ever, ever had seen the negative emotions of Daphne.  Ever since what had happened in high school, Daphne was guilty.  Guilty that her emotions had gotten the best of her.  She had shown sadness in front of her new friends a few times, but she had held back. But anger?  That was a different story.

And Daphne had promised not to show that emotion, or else she would push them all away unintentionally.  Daphne looked down at the floor, and her fists clenched once more.  Wait, why was she doing that?  Was this even worth getting angry over?

But Daphne did know this.  The look on her face was not a pretty one.

On the other hand, everyone else was eating, talking among everyone else.  Some people had noticed that Daphne was not coming out of her room.  It had been 15 minutes.  "Does... Daphne take forever usually?"  Willow asked, raising an eyebrow.  "No... she usually comes right on time.  Why?"  Mimi asked, frowning.  "Then why is she not coming down to have breakfast?  It's getting cold."

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