Chapter 17: Listen to your heart

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The female looked in her surroundings once more, as she tries to find out where she was.

She walked around for a little, trying to familiarize herself with her surroundings.  As Daphne continued walking around, she sees a figure in the distance.

It wasn't Zizzy.  Or even TIO for that matter.  It was someone else.  It was a human female.  She looked a lot like her.  However, Daphne's eyes widened, realizing who it was.

It was her.

The human female had a dark grey coat, with a raven-colored blouse and light grey pants.  She had white sneakers on her.  She had the same golden colored eyes, and the same brown hair that she had right now.  But this time, her hair was tied into a braid.  A purple beret was set on her head.

Daphne paused for a moment, then slowly walked over to her. Her heart raced a little. She was nervous.  "Um... hello?" Daphne began. She turned around, making eye contact with the female.  "Oh. Hello." She said, a smile coming on her face.  She waves at the human, a friendly smile on her face.

"Who are you?" Daphne asked softly, staring at the human female.  "Isn't it obvious?  I'm you."

"Me?" Daphne replied, scratching her head.  She was very confused at this point.  The human female had smiled softly. Her smile was rather gentle and sincere.  "Of course.  I'm your younger self.  You looked like this when you were a detective, remember?"

"Yeah... I do."  Daphne paused for a moment. She placed her hands on her own chest, slowly looking away from her younger self.  It looked like she was hiding something.  Her younger self was quick to notice it.  However, she decided to do things differently.

She looked away from Daphne at first. She could sense something was wrong.  She decided to ask her some questions.  "Your actions are telling me that you're hiding something."

Daphne's eyes widened in surprise. How did she know that?  She wasn't even looking!  "Wait... how did you know-"

"Haha, it's really obvious." Her younger self stated, slightly chuckling.  The brunette stared in confusion.  Daphne really tried her hardest to hide her issues.  But she knew how this would turn out if she did so.

The human currently stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. What was she supposed to say about that?  She knew what was going on.  "What are you trying to hide, Daphne?"

Daphne then looked up at her detective self. She took a deep breath and sighed.  "I... I have a lot to tell. I want to know whether I should continue to trust others."  The detective then slowly turned around, staring at the human female.  "What do you mean?"

"Sometimes... I ask myself whether it's okay to trust new people after I've been through.  I have a great team during this outbreak, but I guess I'm thinking that they wouldn't really need me."  Her younger self paused for a moment, processing the information.  "I see... so you have a feeling about whether your friends would betray you?  Is that right?"

Daphne nodded slowly. It seemed like her younger self could understand more than she ever could.  "I guess you could say something like that. Look... I care about everyone. But at times, I'm have a feeling that they'd betray me. The team could do much better without me anyways."  The human paused once more, then walked over to the female slowly.

"May I ask... why you're feeling this way?"  She had asked, tilting her head to the side.  Daphne had looked away, crossing her arms slowly.  "I... I was used once.  When I moved to Lucella, I thought that everyone would treat me the same way as I was used before.  However, seeing my new friends there in Lucella, I truly thought that I have found a new family.  And now that's the case, those thoughts came back to my head recently."

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