Bonus: Delilah, Doggy, and Bunny

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"Breaking news. A city called Lucella is in the middle of an outbreak, and not many survivors are seen. There hasn't been a cure as of yet. If you're one of the survivors, please, stay safe by staying with a group of friends, or in your homes. Thank you for listening."

The female turned off the TV, and she had a look of shock on her face. She could not believe it.  She knew well that her twin sister lived in that city. And there was an outbreak? What could've caused this? The female clenched her fists.

Delilah. A second-year college student, studying in biology. She was Daphne's twin sister. However, Delilah was the older twin by five minutes.  

Delilah turned off the TV. Daphne lived in that city, and there was an outbreak. Was there nothing she could do?

"Delilah? Everything okay?"  Delilah looked up, turning around. She sees a female walk inside. It was her roommate, Lexie.  "Yeah... everything's fine, Lexie. Did you hear what's happening?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You didn't see the news. A city called Lucella is in the middle of an outbreak."

"Oh yeah, I did... I also heard that the people within the town are the ones infected." Lexie replied, frowning. She crossed her arms.  Delilah stayed silent, wondering what to do next. What if her twin sister was infected?  What if there was no way to save her?  Daphne meant so much to Delilah. Daphne was her twin after all. Her family.  "There has to be some way to saving her..." Delilah mumbled.

"Who? Your twin? Delilah, you don't even know if she's infected." Lexie pointed out.

"That's what I'm worried about, Lexie. I can't just stand there and do nothing. I want to do something and help."

"But how, Delilah? There hasn't been a cure yet!" Lexie said, a worried look on her face.  Her roommate was right about one thing. There hasn't been a cure. Was Delilah too late to do anything?

A few more months later, Delilah planned to go to Lucella to check out what was going on. Fortunately, she was on break, so she went on her own. After seeing the place, Delilah finally understood now.

She took a deep breath, wondering where to start.  There was barely anyone around the city. And when there was someone, they were infected.  However, she ran into one person while walking around the place.

Someone named Mr. P.

Delilah also came to realize that he was the one that caused the whole infection. Delilah was angry at first. However, after being told the reason why, Delilah had understood the situation once more.

He told her to go to a military force up north. He told her that a cure was a work in progress for the time being.

Delilah thanked him before heading off once more.  It took her a long time, but she had made it. The military welcomed her inside and told what was going on.  Some of them told her that they hadn't gotten much progress on the cure since finding everything for it was difficult.

That's where Delilah stepped in.  She told them what she knew, and tried the best she could, and everyone tested things out from what Delilah had told her.  After another three months, Delilah was given a bottle with a blue liquid inside.

The cure.

"Take the cure, and be safe, alright? I'm pretty sure everyone in Lucella needs this." One of the military soldiers told her.

"Sure... but what about you all?" Delilah asked.

"We'll be alright. For right now, you need to get to the hospital so they can make this. We give you our thanks for helping us progress with this."

solitude ~ a roblox piggy fanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu