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Two years had passed ever since the infection.

Daphne was now twenty-two years old, still being the same police officer that everyone knew and loved. However, she was a lot more mature in terms of her looks, and her personality.  She was still the soft, genuine, and caring female everyone knew and loved.  However, she was now more open, and expressive.

Ever since the cure had been found, she hadn't been getting any dreams about TIO. She was relieved about that, seeing that he had given up on manipulating her to join his side.  It seemed like she had simply taken him down by her words. It also seemed like he was just trying to manipulate her as well. If she did join him, then things would get much worse than what it was before.  However, she learned her lesson from her past mistake.

Although when she did come back, she nearly forgot the fact that the potion that was forced in her body, and she had to take a cure herself.  That caused others to scold her for not telling them.  Especially her twin, Doggy, and Bunny.  And Pony being chewed out by her twin since he was the one who had given her the potion.  It took Daphne and someone else to hold her back.

Currently, she was walking on the sidewalk, in her regular clothes. It was rare to see her in her regular clothes these days, since she was usually in her police uniform.  Right now, she was on her way to the mall to buy some new clothes. She passed by a lot of the places she had been to.

Georgie's house, the station, the gallery, the forest, the school, the hospital, the metro, the carnival, the city, the outpost, and then the plant.  She remembered all these places too well.  When she had passed by the school, there were lots of chatter. She saw lots of students coming out of the school. She assumed that school was done for those students by now.  She wondered how everyone was doing right now.

The last time she heard about Pony, he was continuing his studying about optometry to become like his father.  For Zizzy, she was a fencing coach. And she was still today.  For Mimi, she was a scientist, which awed Daphne a lot in her opinion.  For Giraffy, he had a job for gardening. For Zee, Zuzy, and Georgie, they were in middle school now. Daphne usually passed their school whenever she had nothing else to do.

For Willow and her group of friends, Daphne had heard that they had gotten jobs of their own as well as a home with her entire team living together, thanks to the help of her friends.  For Bunny, worked at the hospital as one of the nurses there, checking up on patients from time to time.  For Doggy and Poley, they were still working at the police station with Daphne.  So, some things have changed. But at the same, something hasn't changed as much.  As Daphne continued walking, a voice called out to her.

"Hey Daphne! Daphne!"  Daphne immediately turned her head to the voice. It was coming from the school.  Daphne was quick to notice who had called her.  It was a young pig, waving out to her. She knew who he was.

It was Georgie, and he seemed to be with his family.  Daphne smiled, and immediately walked over to him, wanting to say hello to him.  "Hey Georgie. How are you doing?" She asked.  "I'm doing great! I'm glad you're still here!" Georgie replied, smiling widely. Daphne chuckled.  "Well, I certainly won't be going anywhere anytime soon." She replied.  "Oh! I almost forgot! I wanted to introduce you to my family!" Georgie said, pointing to his whole family standing behind him.

Daphne stared at them for a few seconds. She had recognized all of them from the infection.  She felt happy, seeing that they're okay now.  A pig in a red dress walked over to Daphne and offered out her hand.  It looked like she was in her teen years.  "Hi! My name is Penny! I'm Georgie's older sister! Nice to meet you!" She said, making Daphne shake her hand as well.  "Nice to meet you too, Penny. My name is Daphne."

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