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little el/max cg robin/nancy

Third Person POV

Max and El were laying out on the floor of El's room reading comics. Max finishes her own comic and gets up to grab another. She starts digging through the box and stumbles upon one that she's never seen before. She carefully pulls it out of the pile and walks back over to El.

"What is this one? I've never seen it before." Max stated, eyeing the front cover. On the front it was Wonder Woman helping out at a local nursery. "Can we read it together, since I've never seen this one before?" El smiled at Max and nodded her head. Max plopped down next to El and opened up to the first page.

They sat there, for what felt like forever, and finished the entire comic. "Man it would be nice to be a baby again. No school. No chores. No responsibilities..." Max rambled. El sat there confused. She never got to have that type of experience before.

"I-I've never been able to experience that before. I wish." El said, trying to form a smile. But that didn't fool Max. "I'm really sorry El. I wish you would've been able to experience it." Max sighed and hung her head low. She stood up and walked back over to the bin, dropping the comic back inside. El stood up and reached for Max's hand. "I bet I could find a way to make it happen with my powers!" She shouted, startling Max.


The two of them were settled on the living room floor, facing one another. El had her black blindfold on, while Max fidgeted with her hands, looking on nervously.

"A-are we sure this is a good idea El? How are we going to take care of ourselves if this works?" Max blurted out. "Shhh I'll just walkie Robin and Steve." El said, going back to concentrating. Max sighed and waited patiently for anything to happen or change. The lights started flickering a bit. Something was working. She started to feel different. It almost made her sick from the feeling. "E-el." She managed to croak out, holding back tears. She felt so small, despite her body and features remaining the same size.

Finally the lights stopped flickering and El removed the blindfold. She opened her eyes and to her surprise there was a sobbing Max reaching out to her. El reached her arms out and pulled the girl in for a hug. Max latched onto her like her life depended on it. She felt the girl relax from her touch and let out a sigh of relief.

"M-mama." It had definitely worked. El slowly rubbed circles on Max's back, trying to sooth her. "It's okay I'm here." She said softly pulling the girl off her chest. She looked her in the eyes and tucked a piece of stray hair behind her ear. Max smiled brightly and bounced up and down from excitement. El smiled at the girl in front of her. There was not a worry on her face, just a happy girl that had too much energy.


"Robin please bring Nancy I'm trusting you guys on this. Since Steve won't pick up, I'm letting Nancy replace him."

"So you're telling me Max is a baby?! And you're gonna be one too?! What is going on El!" Robin pleaded into the walkie.

"Pleaseeee come over and um bring stuff please. Send Nance out to get stuff for at least Max right now." El said, peering over at Max who had her thumb stuffed in her mouth suckling away.

"Okay but you owe me for this one! I'll be there with Nance in 10!" Robin ended the call and let her head drop into her hands.

"I can't believe this. This is ridiculous." Robin snarled, turning her attention towards Nancy.

"Well I guess we're playing moms for the day. Let's go get them stuff. I'm sure whatever is going on will be over in the morning okay?" Nancy said, putting her hand on Robin's shoulder for comfort. Robin sighed and stood up. She followed Nancy all the way out to her car just slowly shaking her head.

Elmax/Sillie Agere OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt