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⚠️little bit of abuse
Requested by: zoomerstrangerthings
Max's POV

Today is the day I will finally receive my letter in the mail. I was secretly praying that I would get classified as a little, since I already am. Neil would kill me if it was anything other than caregiver though.
I peer out the living room window, anxiously awaiting the mailman. I looked down at my watch. 3:46pm. He should be here any minute now. I started picking at my nails I just was so anxious for it to arrive. I've been waiting for this for a whole year now. I hear a faint screech outside and whip my head around. He arrived. I quickly threw on my vans and bolted out the door. I sprinted down to the mailbox before the guy could even put the mail inside.

"Hi! Thank you!" I said grabbing the mail and waving goodbye to him. He nodded his head and peeled up the road to the next house. I ran back inside and threw the mail on the table, not even bothering to take off my shoes. I eagerly ripped open the letter and opened up the paper.

Dear, Maxine Mayfield

We are happy to inform you that your classification has been set to little. If you need any resources or information please call us at the number below. With our extensive research, we feel this fits you best. Please call back with any concerns on this decision. Have a nice day.

Oh my god I got it! Yes yes yes! I'm so glad they didn't put me as a caregiver I don't know how that would've worked out for me.

"Maxine heard your letter came in let me see!" Neil said as he drunkenly wobbled in the door. Shit.

"Oh I uh got a caregiver." I said nervously, holding the note behind my back.

"Come on you little shit I don't believe a word you say give it to me!" He snatched the paper from behind my back and read it intently. Before I could even get a word out of my mouth, I felt a hard smack across my face.

"You little shit! I can't let you live here with you being classified as that! Fucking pathetic!" I watched as he unlooped his belt from his pants. I immediately booked it to my room and locked my door. I quickly pushed on my dresser with all my might and got it in front of the door. Fuck fuck fuck! I need to leave now before I end up dead.

I grabbed my backpack and threw all of my little items into it along with a few pairs of clothes. I slung it over my back and tightened the straps so it wouldn't fall off.

"Get your ass out here right now Maxine! You're dead to me!" Neil slurred from behind the door. Tears were starting to fall from my eyes. I quickly wiped them away and looked out the window. I spotted my bike not too far away and decided it was my best option. I whipped open the window and hopped out, stumbling on the ground a bit. I ran as fast as I could over to my bike and hopped on. I don't think I've ever peddled this fast before. It felt like life or death at this point. I had no idea where to go. Lucas wasn't home, he was out with the boys on some stupid adventure. Nancy was out writing a new story for the paper. Maybe El was home. Hopefully Hopper wouldn't be too mad with my unannounced arrival. It was my only option at this point. I started riding my way to El's cabin.


Once I made it all the way up the driveway I was relieved to not see Hopper's car. That was one less thing to worry about. I leaned my bike up against the porch and walked up the creaky stairs. I knocked on the door a few times hoping she was home.

"El? It's Max! Are you home?" I banged on the door a few more times before it opened. Thank god. El peeked around the corner of the door before opening it all the way. I think she noticed my tear stained face because she immediately pulled me into a hug. I embraced it and silently sobbed into her shoulder.

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