Little Camp 2

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surprise cameo with little noah/cg finn

Millie's POV

I woke up to a soft knock on the door and a faint "time to get up" coming from someone outside. I look down to see Sadie sprawled out on my chest, peacefully sleeping. I will never get over how adorable she is like this. I really didn't want to wake her up, seeing how content she is, but I didn't want her to miss any of the big activities today.

"Hey Sades time to get up." I gently shook her in attempt to get her to wake up. She fluttered her eyes and groaned, slowly sitting up. She rubbed her eyes and looked at me.

"Mmm what? It's early." She said laying back down on top of me.

"No no, come on we need to get up. We don't want to miss the activities do we?" I looked at her and she groaned.

"It's sooo early though! Ugh." She pulled herself back up and got out of bed. She is not a morning person. I laughed at her morning grumpiness and pulled myself out of bed as well. I walked over to the light switch and flipped it on.

"Ahhh bright!" Sadie shrieked, covering her eyes. Yeah like I said, she's not a morning person.

"Sorry babe you need to get up and ready though we have a big day ahead of us." I walked over to her and gave her a kiss to brighten up her mood. She smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Help me get dressed please I'm about to slip." She pulled away and looked up into my eyes.

"Of course hun what do you want to wear today? What about your favorite overalls?" Her eyes lit up.

"Ooo yes!" She ran over to her suitcase and rummaged through it. She pulled out the overalls and a t-shirt and handed them to me.

"Thank you baby, but let's get you changed first so you're all fresh and clean." I don't think she even realized it was wet until I mentioned it.

"Yeah icky change please." She reached her arms out and I picked her up and took her into the nursery. I laid her down on the changing table and went to grab a new diaper.

"Mama hurry! It's leaking!" I whipped my head around and it was just barely leaking but still not good. I quickly got over there and got her out of it making sure to quickly put it in the trash to avoid it leaking anywhere else.

"Maybe we need to get you some thicker ones for when you sleep hun. I'm sorry that happened." I said while wiping her down. I slid the fresh one under her and taped it up.

"It otay I jus drank 'wot last night." I picked her up and wiped down the changing table. I sat her back down on the bed and got her changed into her r-shirt and overalls. I put some frilly socks on her feet and slipped them into some cute Mary Jane doc martins.

"How do you want your hair today, it's all up to you." I put my hand on her cheek and caressed it softly.

"Mmm pigtails p'ease!" I nodded and pulled her hair into two pigtails. I was extra careful to not pull any baby hairs cause she always makes a big fuss if I do. Luckily, today it went smoothly and I avoided all the baby hairs. I left her there on the bed to get dressed. I threw on a tank top, Jean shorts, and matching shoes to make Sadie happy. I walked back over to her and she was nervously playing with her hands.

"Hey what's wrong? Nothing to be nervous about mama's going to be right here with you." I reassured her.

"Don leave my side mama." She grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the door.

"Woahhh there. Let me grab my bag and things you'll need just two seconds." I grabbed the backpack and shoved in everything I needed. I got the paci off the nightstand and ran back over to her.

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