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AU: Littles are known
Little El/Max

"Max get up! You're going to be late!" My mom screamed from outside my room, waking me up.

"Ugh yeah jeez, I'll be out in a minute mom!" I rubbed my eyes and sat up, still exhausted. I rolled out of bed and glanced out my window. It was pouring outside, so much that I could see our gutters were overflowing off the side of the roof. I sighed, I hated rainy days.

I shook my thoughts and went over to my closet and grabbed an outfit to throw on. I put on my rainbow striped shirt and some overalls, with some matching socks to go with it. I slipped on my pair of red converse, grabbed my backpack, and slung it over my shoulder.

"Coming!" I yelled, pushing open my door.

"Great, let's get in the car before we're late." My mom said, walking out the door with her keys. I followed behind her, hopping into the passenger seat. I threw my bag into the backseat and she started the engine. She pulled out of the driveway and made a left turn onto the road, which led out of Hawkins.

I had been wanting to go to this daycare for years now, but I've always been too nervous to actually commit to it. I'm not very good at making friends, since I'm very shy, which makes me even more nervous about this.

"I can tell you're nervous it's going to be okay alright?" My mom said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah yeah I know." I sighed.

"If you end up not liking it, you can always have them call me to come pick you up." She said smiling.

"Thank you." I said, giving her a smile back. She made a sharp right turn at the light and pulled into the parking lot of the daycare. I sighed and leaned back to grab my bag out of the back. I got out of the car and followed her inside. Once I got through the doors I could see all the littles in the play area just ahead. Their attention was all on me, making me nervous. I stepped behind my mom to get out of their view.

"Hi I'm here to check in Maxine Mayfield. It's her first day." My mom said to the receptionist at the front desk.

"Alright she's all good to go. We can take her from here." The lady said, smiling.

"Alright perfect! Have fun Max, it's going to be okay." She leaned down and brought me into a hug. I didn't want to let go, I just wanted to walk right back out with her. I didn't want everyone's attention on me. She pulled away and waved goodbye, walking out the door. I sighed and turned to the lady. She waved her hand to follow her and lead me into a side room.

"Alright first we're going to help get you changed, then introduce you to the other littles." I set my bag down on the bench and nodded my head.

"Oh get undressed now? Sorry!" I stumbled trying to rip the converse off my feet and fell back onto the bench. It stung a bit, but I continued undressing. Once I finished, the lady ushered me up onto the table.

"Alright since it's your first day, you get to choose which one you want." She pointed at the shelf of diapers beside her. I sat up on the table and scanned the shelf. I spotted one with an alligator and numbers on it. They looked cute.

"Mmm that one please." I said pointing to it. She nodded her head and grabbed the diaper, unfolding it.

"Alright butt up." I lifted up and she slid it underneath me. I was a little taken aback from the soft feeling, since I had never worn one before. She lifted the front up and taped the sides down.

"Alright all done! Go ahead and hop down for me." I sat up and hopped off the table. I started walking over to the bench to sit down. I ended up having to waddle since the diaper was so thick. It was an unusual feeling, but I'll get used to it. The lady brought me over a onesie to match the diaper.

Elmax/Sillie Agere OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now