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Cg El/Little Max

El's POV

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring into my ears. "Jesus" I whispered, slamming my hand down onto it to shut it off. I rolled back over and saw Max was moving around, awake as well.

"Sorry for that hun. Goodmorning how did you sleep?" I inched over to her and pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"Mmm too early." She mumbled, snuggling into my chest. I brushed some hair back from her face and gave her another kiss.

"I know sweetie. But I have something very special for you today!" That quickly got her attention.

"Ooo what is it mommy!?" She asks with a big smile on her face.

I had been planning this trip out with the party for a while now. I know Max has been having a hard time dealing with the loss of her parents. She's been dealing with some awful PTSD attacks as well. It breaks my heart to see her upset. So, me and the party all decided it would be a good idea to surprise her with a trip to Disneyland. It would give her a distraction from what's going on, and give her the chance to be happy again.

"Well first we have to get out of bed. Why don't you go put on your favorite outfit and I'll meet you downstairs for the surprise. Sound good?" I sulked off the bed and made my way to the closet to get changed.

"Mmm otay!" She jumped out of bed and ran over to the guest room to get changed. I quickly got changed into some shorts and a t-shirt, then went downstairs to greet the party.

"Hey guys! She's up and getting ready. She'll be down in a bit." I said greeting them all.

"This is going to be a good surprise! She's going to love it!" Will exclaimed.

"Yeah I bet she will! Also El we got the essentials in the car already, so no need to worry!" Lucas said giving me a thumbs up.

"Aw thank you guys. I appreciate that!" I heard footsteps coming down my stairs and knew it was time. Everyone got into position and I grabbed the new nala stuffed animal I got for Max. She stepped off the last step of the staircase and turned to us all, confused.

"We're going to Disneyland!" I yelled, throwing my arms in the air. Her mouth fell open.

"Disney?! Yayyy!!" She said, bouncing up and down. She ran over to me and jumped up into my arms.

"Thank chu mommy!" I held onto her tight and kissed her cheek.

"It's no problem Maxie. It's time to hit the road though, want to grab a few stuffies before we go?" I offered, setting her back down on the ground. She nodded her head and sprinted back up the stairs.

"Hey we ready to go yet?" Steve said, busting out of his room.

"Yes mom calm down." Dustin said rolling his eyes.

"Jeez alright, everyone get to the car. I'll get it started up." He ruffled his hair and punched Dustin in the shoulder. He rubbed his shoulder and followed Steve out to the car. The rest of the party followed.

Max ran down the stairs a few seconds later with her two favorite stuffies in her arms.

"Ready mama!" She exclaimed, skipping her way over to me.

"Alright rascal, let's get in the car." I scooped her up and carried her outside. Mike opened the door for us and we hopped into the backseat. I buckled Max into her carseat, which was equipped with a sippy cup with juice, and some goldfish for the ride. The boys really did do a good job on preparing for this.

"Yayyy Disney! I so excited!" She clapped her hands together in excitement. I buckled myself in next to her and dug through Max's little bag. I pulled out her paci and plopped it in her mouth. She grinned behind it and leaned back into her car seat.

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