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I've got some upcoming prompts for you guys to choose from! Just comment on the one you want me to do first :)

1. Halloween- Little Sadie & Millie - (The two of them both knew about each other's little space) The cast went out together for Halloween and both of them got spooked out by Joe's creepy costume. They both went into little space and the cast has to figure out what's going on and help take care of them!

2. Found - Little El/Cg Max - Max was using the woods as a short cut to get to her friend's house one night and stumbles upon El lost in the woods. El had escaped from the lab, and was also little at the time. Max takes her in, and takes care of her for the night!

3. (I'm kinda iffy about this one but idk let me know) Humiliated - Little Sadie/Cg Millie (this would contain a bit of forced agere, Sadie also deals with bedwetting) Millie and Maya decided to prank Sadie in her trailer, early in the morning. They broke into her room and woke her up with waterguns. Sadie was still in a diaper from last night, which Millie thought was the funniest thing. Millie decided to get her revenge. (Sadie had humiliated Millie for something months ago, that still sticks with her)

4. Nightmares - Little Max/Cg El - (Max and El are together in this) Max was staying the night at El's and suffers a nightmare about Vecna. She had wet the bed, and El runs her a bath and cuddles her back to sleep. (Would be a bit shorter of a story)

So let me know what you guys want first! I can't promise I'll update quick, but I'll try to get it done as fast as I can! :))

Elmax/Sillie Agere OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now