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⚠️forced agere (kinda? idk)
Third Person POV

Millie and Maya had decided to get up early in the morning and play a prank on Sadie. They were all situated in their trailers since they started filming season 5. It was 6am bright and early. Filming didn't start till 10am. They both knew Sadie was a late sleeper, due to her being late to set almost every day. They were planning on sneaking in her trailer and shooting her with water guns to wake her up. The two of them got their gear ready and snuck over to Sadie's trailer.

Meanwhile Sadie was fast asleep, not expecting a thing. Sadie had dealt with bedwetting for almost two years now. She's never told anybody, because of how embarrassing it is. Sadie had been wearing diapers to bed at night to help with the issue. She obviously wasn't expecting any company, so she thought it would be fine for the night and she would just change before filming.

Millie took out her key and carefully unlocked the trailer door, trying to be as quiet as possible. She creaked open the door and they both stepped in. Millie crept over to Sadie's bedroom door, with Maya close behind.

"Alright 1...2...3...go." She whispered. She busted open the door and started shooting the water gun at Sadie.

"Ah hey! What the fuck!" Sadie yelled. She thrashed around trying to avoid the water.

"Haha gotcha! Get up!" Maya flicked on the light. It fell silent in the room. Both of them looked over in shock at what Sadie was wearing.

"Shit! Get out get out!" Sadie screamed, covering herself up.

"Oh my god I can't be seeing this right. Is that the Sadie Sink in a diaper?!" Maya bent over laughing. Millie was still frozen, not saying a single word.

"Hey! It's not funny stop it! I swear to god do not tell anybody!" She screamed, tears brimming at her eyes.

"Alright alright!" Maya said throwing her hands up in defeat. The three of them sat there in silence again before Millie spoke up.

"So um... what is all this about?" She pointed at Sadie's diaper.

"It's nothing. Just leave!" She threw herself under the covers, hoping they would get out and forget all about it. Millie slowly approached her, pulling the covers off her.

"Im not here to judge. Just curious that's all." She gave Sadie a smile. Sadie crossed her arms and huffed.

"How many times do I have to tell you to get out asshole." She spat, rolling her eyes at Millie. First of all, she was pissed off from being woken up so harshly and so early. Second off, she really didn't want to deal with the situation at hand.

"Oh really? Im trying to be nice here Sadie. You're acting like a child." She looked Sadie up and down and chuckled.

"Fuck you!" Sadie stood up and pushed Millie back.

"Hey! Knock it off you two!" Maya said stepping in between them.

"Maybe since you're acting like such a baby right now, you deserve to be treated like one." Millie said, devilishly smirking at the girl.

"Millie relax it's not that big of a deal. Let's just go." Maya said, trying to pull Millie out of the room. Millie pulled her hand away and faced Sadie.

"I'm not letting this go. Do you remember when you humiliated me in front of the entire cast Sadie? You scared me so bad I pissed my pants. You laughed in my face and called me a baby! Now it's your turn!"

Sadie knew this day would come eventually. She knew Millie was the type of person to hold a grudge and get revenge at any cost.

"No absolutely not!" Sadie quickly got up and darted out of the room, running straight towards the bathroom. Millie sprinted after her, trying to catch her. She caught up and wrapped her arms around the girl.

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