Little Camp 3

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Millie's POV

I was so out of breath trying to keep up with those two. Finn was struggling as well. He had to stop to catch his breath and waved me on to go without him. I finally caught up to them when they reached the playing field.

"Mommy I so excited!" Sadie said bouncing up and down. I hunched over with my hands on my knees, absolutely exhausted.

"Alright we'll it looks like people have already teamed up so we'll get started! Caregivers are free to join as well! Alright in 3... 2... 1... GO!" I look up and watch as Sadie and Noah started sprinting to where the other flag was. I stepped out of playing range because I did not have the endurance for this. Eventually Finn caught up and plopped down onto the ground.

"Jesus those two are so damn fast." He laid back on the grass with his hands above his head.

"Tell me about it."

Sadie's POV

I was sprinting as fast as I could to the flag in the distance. Me and Noah made an agreement to split up and toss the flag to one another if we got tagged. I ran off to the right, and started approaching the flag. I noticed it was being guarded heavily. I used some of the obstacles to my advantage. I tried my best to stay hidden and sneak up to it. I saw a tipped over drum barrel a few feet away. I jumped and dove on the ground behind it. I scraped up my arms on the grass a bit. I wanted mama to come kiss and fix it, but it was an all out war right now. No time for it. I crawled behind the barrel and had the flag in sight. I quickly jumped up and grabbed the flag, startling the boys guarding it. It was those stupid frisbee boys from earlier. I'll get back at them for being mean to that girl.

"Nowah! NOW!" I screamed over at him. He nodded and started running with me. The whole opposing team was out for me now. I saw two boys blocking my way ahead and tossed the flag over to Noah. He fumbled with it a bit but was able to get a grip on it. I weaved around the boys and kept on running. I looked over at Noah and he had a clear path straight to our side. I wasn't looking at where I was going and tripped over one of those drum barrels. I tumbled to the ground, scratching myself up pretty bad. It hurt so bad that I curled up into a ball and started crying.

Millie's POV

"SHIT SHIT SHIT!" I watched as Sadie tumbled to the ground, tripping over those stupid barrels they put there. I immediately got up and ran onto the playing field, dodging everyone. I reached her and got down on the ground beside her.

"Hey Sadie are you okay?! I'm here. What hurts?" I was freaking out, scared she got hurt pretty bad.

"Mama! It hurt!" She said pointing to her knee." It was bleeding but thankfully it looked minor.

"It's okay come here I've got you." I slowly picked the girl up, being extra careful not to touch any of her scrapes and cuts. I walked with her off the field and over to Finn. He also witnessed it and had a worried expression on his face.

"Holy shit is she okay. That looked like a rough fall." I shrugged my shoulders and looked over at Noah who came running towards us in a full sprint.

"I-is she otay?! I didn't notice I'm sowwy! We won though Sadie!" Sadie looked up and smiled at him.

"I otay it jus huwt." She stuck her thumb in her mouth and I was quick to pull it out.

"No no that's icky baby. Here." I put one of her pacis in her mouth instead. She suckled contently on it, probably distracting her from the pain.

"I'm going to take her down to the medical building. I'll meet you guys for dinner in a bit." I waved goodbye to Noah and Finn and made my way down to the building.

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