Chapter 8: Backlash

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Not long after Skywalker's trial, the council reconvened.

Yoda, Mace, Elizabeth, Plo, Shaak Ti, Obi-Wan, Depa, Eeth, Mira, Shadday, Kit, and Ki-Adi, all went back to the council chambers.

Yoda could just sense the tension ready to break. Skywalker was taken to the Republic prison where he'd escaped from earlier, but Obi-Wan was clearly just waiting to explode.

It was right after Kit had taken his seat that the tension finally broke, and not in a good way.

Obi-Wan was practically snarling at most of them, with some obvious exceptions being Plo, Shaak Ti, and Mace, who sided with Skywalker, and Elizabeth and Depa who were both so conflicted between choosing between basically Skywalker or the order that they both abstained from any vote.

Though had the two voted, they likely would have sided with Skywalker, they were very biased towards him.

"I can't believe you."

Ki-Adi tried to speak.

"Obi-Wan, it is..."

"That's master Kenobi to you."

Ki-Adi sighed.

"Regardless, the evidence was overwhelming. The nano-droids and where he was found for example."

Shaak Ti frowned, clearly she wasn't pleased with the council either.

"There was nothing proving they were his, and what overwhelming evidence?"

Plo nodded in agreement, though he was so angry he said nothing.

Yoda had never seen the Kel-Dor like this before, not this angry.

It was rather unusual for him.

Mace nodded.

"I agree, Obi-Wan. There was no overwhelming evidence, only circumstantial evidence. Other than that, the council was too biased against him."

Yoda frowned.

"The best decision at the time, we could make."

Obi-Wan glared at him.

"Please, you didn't want Anakin to be a Jedi to begin with, this is just a way for you to finally get rid of him."

Yoda was a bit hurt, in part because it was true, only the first part of the statement, not the second. That and it was coming from Obi-Wan.

He wanted to point out that Obi-Wan hadn't cared for Anakin back then just like they didn't, but that would not only be an unnecessary low blow, but childish.

Eeth just glared at Obi-Wan in turn.

"The boy was dangerous, Obi-Wan, you knew it as well as us. Why Qui-Gon brought him here I'll never understand."

Depa suddenly turned her head to him, and she had a dark glare that really did not fit her normally quieter demeanor.

"Be silent Eeth, don't dare bring Qui-Gon into this."

Eeth promptly went silent. Depa's glare was then gone and she frowned towards Yoda.

Then she did something unexpected.

"Master Yoda, I hereby announce my resignation from the Jedi high council."

Yoda wasn't sure what to say.

"Resign why do you?"

Depa chuckled, though it was bitter in nature.

"Like you don't know."

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