Chapter 13: The Decision

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Now Anakin stood in the council chambers, the entire council reconvened.

Except Depa, who recently stepped down for obvious reasons.

Obi-Wan had so much hurt in his eyes.

"Anakin, I'm so sorry."

Plo Koon spoke next.

"You have our most humble apologies Skywalker, the council was wrong to accuse you."

Shadday was next, and Anakin could tell she felt genuinely sorry.

"I am...sorry, Skywalker, I was such a fool. I should never have been so sure of myself."

Mira came after, the togruta Jedi master also sounding genuine in her apology.

"I can say the same. I am quite a disgrace to this order, and I call myself a master and high council member."

Mace nodded.

"I trust those of you who didn't believe in Skywalker have seen the error in your ways, and will not make such mistakes again."

Eeth spoke next, and Anakin felt a bit surprised to hear him say what he did next.

"You need not to worry about me on that, I think my time on this council has seen its end."

Kit nodded in agreement, but Anakin felt so much guilt from the nautolan Jedi master, as he said nothing. His usual smile no longer present.

Ki-Adi was the only one Anakin felt no guilt from, and that kind of ticked him off, but didn't surprise him in truth.

"We were quite wrong in how we handled this situation."

Shaak Ti raised a brow at the cerean Jedi master's statement.

"That's all you have to say for yourself?"

Ki-Adi just nodded, and Obi-Wan rolled his eyes.

"I'm not surprised in the slightest."

Yoda tapped his cane on the floor, getting everyone's attention.

"Wrong, this council was. Worried about bias towards Skywalker, I was. Yet biased against him, the majority of the council was, including myself. Failed as the grandmaster of the order, I have. Failed in the training of young Skywalker, I have."

Plo spoke up.

"Anakin, you fought your hardest in your struggle to prove your innocence."

Mace nodded in agreement.

"This has all been the true sign of a Jedi master."

Anakin was stunned, master Windu was offering him the rank of master? This was beyond belief.

Yoda then looked to Anakin with slightly pleading eyes.

"Back into the order, with the rank of master, you may come."

Obi-Wan looked to him, a slight smile on his face.

"The council is asking you back Anakin, Ahsoka and I, are asking you back."

He got up from his seat, and held Anakin's lightsaber out to him.

Anakin was conflicted.

So, he did something logical for a change, and closed his eyes, and let the force flow through him for a few minutes.

Opening them again, he knew what the force needed him to do.

He reached out and took his lightsaber, and put it back on his belt.

"I accept, on a few conditions."

Yoda nodded, understanding.

"Your conditions, what are?"

Anakin held a serious look.

"Given I am now a master, Ahsoka should be given the rank of Knight. I've trained her as best as I could, and taught her almost everything I know. And after all she's accomplished, she more than deserves it."

Yoda nodded.

Anakin continued.

"I would like to be granted a seat on the council, given I want to help reform issues within it, and want to have a more direct hand in how this order functions."

Yoda thought for a moment, but again nodded.

"One last thing for now, the Jedi code needs to change."

Ki-Adi looked unsure, but Yoda spoke before he could, silencing the other master with a wave of his hand.

"Agree with these terms, I do. Agree, does the rest of the council?"

Mace, Obi-Wan, Plo, Shaak Ti, Mira, Kit, Eeth, Shadday, and Elizabeth voiced their agreement.

Ki-Adi voiced his disagreement, but he was easily overruled by the rest of the council.

Mace had a very sly smile, barely noticeable but Anakin could see it, and the korun master gestured to where Depa used to sit.

"Take a seat, master Skywalker, there is much work to be done."

Anakin bowed briefly in respect, and walked over to take his seat on the council.

They were trying to do more right by him.

Maybe way too late, but better late than never.

And given how Yoda agreed the Jedi code needed change, they were clearly, actually, trying now.

And now, despite everything that just happened, Anakin began to feel more at peace than he ever had in his life.

*Nope, the story ain't over yet, don't go thinking that. For one there is still Palpatine, two the order needs change, and also the Clone Wars is not over yet.

So, the council, like em better or worse now? Or just certain members you dislike/hate?

What fate do you think Tarkin will face?

Think the council will keep Ki-Adi-Mundi or will they kick him off the council?

Think the Jedi code will actually be changed?

Lastly, will Palpatine's plans to destroy the Jedi succeed?

Who knows, the story is not over yet...

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