Chapter 9 : Wake up

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Shadow Bonnie POV:

I gasped for air as I coughed and felt someone sit me up. I looked around and saw Bryan with Dylan and Orville. Glamrock Bonnie was still on the ground offline, but Glamrock Helpy, Lolbit, and Steve were gone. "Wh-What, what happened?" Bryan and Orville looked at each other with worried looks while Dylan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He spoke gently, "That's what we need to know. Orville was looking for you at my place and then we got the call from Bryan that you didn't look unconscious, but you weren't listening to anyone or moving. Are you okay, Bonnie? What's the last thing you remember?" "I-I" I hesitated, my head hurt, it felt as if everything I just saw was a blur. Orville spoke, "You don't have to say anything if you'd like, Bryan filled us in on what happened on his end." "N-No, it's fine. I, I think I remembered something." I looked at my right arm, remembering the burning pain of the shadows. My arm started shaking and I grabbed it to make it stop. It felt like I was on fire. Dylan carefully wrapped his arms around me and I felt tears well up from behind my eyes. I buried my face into his chest as I began shaking even more. "It hurts, it hurts so much. Just make it stop, make everything stop." I could feel myself being held tighter as Dylan calmed me, "Shhh, it's alright. Whatever happened, it's over, it doesn't exist anymore. "I-I know, it's just-" "Focus on my breathing, and try to match yours with mine. You're okay." Dylan's chest moved slowly and his heartbeat was steady. I focused on his heartbeat to slow my breathing. I heard Bryan ask Orville, "Orville, could you bring me over my phone I left it over by the counter." "Sure, why do you need it though?" "You'll see." Once I calmed down, I let go of Dylan and looked at Glamrock Bonnie, "Did you figure out what was wrong?" Bryan looked at me, "Yeah when Dylan got here, I asked him to say what you said." "And it surprisingly worked." Said, Dylan. "What did I say that worked, and what's broken?" "Nothing shall remain, not me, and not you. I'm still surprised it worked myself." When Bryan said that I felt chills go down my spine. And the image of Afton's grin, while he died, was burned into my mind. I shook my head and continued listening to Bryan. "As I suspected before, his remnant's disconnected. So now, we have to go ghost hunting." Bryan said in a tired tone. It was then that I realized how Bryan looked, he had bags under his eyes, and his hair was a mess. "Bryan, when's the last time you've slept?" Bryan looked at Glamrock Bonnie, then me, and then the ground. "I haven't slept since Steve and I found Bonnie. The past two days I've been looking for endo blueprints, fixing the goddamn power regulators I could find from the 80s, and trying to not damage Bonnie's systems while looking for what the hell broke." Orville walked over and gave Bryan his phone, "Why were you using regulators from the 80s?" Bryan sighed, "Because I couldn't update his systems or endo, the only thing different about an old model and him is the suit. Plus, I had no idea if his remnant was damaged or not, WHICH IT IS! I still didn't want to short-circuit Bonnie by using things that transfer a lot more power. It took me ages to find the warehouse that still had those parts, and even then, I had to be the one to fix them. Although, any other questions before I download a ghost hunting app because they surprisingly work for finding remnant?" We all shook our heads. "Great." Said Bryan in a sarcastic tone. "You not doing that good, are you?" "I'M FINE!" Bryan put his phone down and I watched as the app downloaded. Dylan sat Glamrock Bonnie against one of the panels and pulled out a cord from the panel. He then plugged it into Glamrock Bonnie. "There we are, so when we find the remnant, he'll be charged. Also, would you like me to take your phone so you can finally sleep, Bryan?" Bryan was picking up tools and parts, he shook his head, "At this point, I won't be able to fall asleep. So might as well stay awake until we fix Bonnie." I wasn't completely sure it was a good idea for Bryan to stay awake, but I wasn't surprised either. I've noticed how both Bryan and Dylan have that trait. If they're awake for long enough, they won't sleep until they get whatever they're doing done. I realized I was still sitting down, so I stood up and rubbed my eyes. Orville walked over, "Hey, you sure you're doing okay Bon?" I thought for a second before I gave a small smile and answered, "I've been better. But I've also been worse. I'm okay now, but let's go find Bonnie's remnant before anything worse happens." Once Bryan finished putting all the tools and extra parts away, he grabbed his phone and it looked like he was taking a photo of Bonnie. Dylan was standing by the door, waiting for us, and once Bryan was done, Dylan said, "Alright everyone ready to be GhostBusters for a day?" Dylan first looked at Orville who said, "Yep." Then Bryan, "Ready as I'll ever be." And then me, I started to speak, but I instead hesitated. I looked around the room and at Glamrock Bonnie. A memory went through my head, (Hey, if anything does happen to me. Promise you'll take care of Bryan. He may be a murderous animatronic, but he's still my brother, and a kid. I, I promise.) I took a deep breath and said, "I'm ready to go looking." Dylan smiled, "Alright, let's find Chompy."  

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