Chapter 4: Herbology Class/Ron Receives a Howler

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A/N: Hello everyone! Here is Chapter 4: Herbology Class/Ron Receives a Howler. Based on the title, I know that you, the readers, can figure out what happens in this chapter. Anyway, don't forget to vote, and thank you for reading Chapter 4. Bye!

Y/N's POV:

Today is the day that we have herbology class with the Slytherins which none of the Gryffindors including myself were happy about. That means Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I have to put up with Draco and his little minions during class today and we're certainly not looking forward to it.

Professor McGonagall stopped me earlier before I headed to class and said, "Miss L/N, I wanted to inform you that Mr. Weasley and Mr. Potter got detention for what they did. I know for a fact that your parents are going to be very angry about it when you tell them."

I said, "Alright, thank you for telling me! I have a definite feeling that my parents will be furious when they find out that our wizarding world was nearly got exposed to muggles. I'll have to talk with them later and make sure they don't get themselves in trouble again."

Professor McGonagall said, "Thank you, Miss L/N. Now I must be getting to class and you should do the same." I nodded in agreement. Both of us walked away and I headed toward the greenhouse for herbology class. I saw Hermione and said, "Morning, Hermione. I just found out something interesting from Professor McGonagall."

She said, "Morning, Y/N! What did you find out from McGonagall?" I said, "Oh, she told me that both Harry and Ron have detention because of what they did. My parents are not going to be happy when they find out. But when I explain what the boys did and why they did it, hopefully, my parents will be more forgiving."

Hermione said, "I'm sure they will be, they're the king and queen after all." Then those said boys, Ron and Harry, walk into the greenhouse with disappointed faces.

I asked, "Why are you two so down? Is it because you got your first detention of the school year?" Ron said, "Yep, I have detention with Filch and Harry has detention with Lockhart." Harry said, "Yep, out of all the professors in Hogwarts, I had to get him. We don't even know what we're doing for detention until we actually have our detention."

I said, "Sounds like detention with Lockhart is going to be horrible for you, Harry. My family and I absolutely despise him. We don't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth."

Harry said, "Why did I have to get stuck with the worst professor at Hogwarts?" Hermione replied, "Well, that is because Ron decided that it would be a smart idea to steal Mr. Weasley's enchanted car and fly it to Hogwarts which caused you two to get spotted by 7 muggles. Y/N's parents, our king and queen, will be so furious when they find out what happened."

Ron said, "Oh yeah, I forgot about them." Harry said, "Me too. Y/N, do you think that your parents will be able to forgive us for what happened?" I said, "Well, they won't be happy about what you guys have done as well as the fact that you both managed to be spotted by muggles. But I'm sure they'll forgive you since you were never meant to be spotted by muggles in the first place."

Ron said, "Thanks, Y/N!" Harry said, "Yeah, thanks!" I said, "Do you promise me that you won't get spotted by muggles again or won't do something stupid enough to get yourselves in trouble?" Ron and Harry said at the same time, "We promise." Harry said, "But something might happen which will cause us to break our promise." Then the professor who teaches Herbology, Professor Sprout, entered the greenhouse.

She tapped her wand on the table and said, "Morning everyone!" We ignored her and she said again slightly louder, "Good morning, everyone!" We looked at her and said, "Good morning, Professor Sprout." She continues by saying, "Welcome to Greenhouse three, Second Years. Now gather round."

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