Chapter 12: Drinking the Polyjuice Potion/Hermione Gets Petrified

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A/N: This is Chapter 12: Drinking the Polyjuice Potion/Hermione Gets Petrified. I hoped you enjoyed the previous chapter. This chapter had been in editing for a couple of weeks now. I hope you reading it and don't forget to vote.

Plot: Harry, Ron, and Hermione drink the Polyjuice Potion to find out if Draco is really the Heir of Slytherin. Y/N really believes that someone else is actually the Heir of Slytherin and thinks it could be someone who is causing Ginny Weasley to act incredibly weird. The Gryffindor Quidditch Team finds out that their match against Hufflepuff has been cancelled due to an incident that happened. One of Y/N's closest friends/roommates Hermione ends up getting petrified and Y/N has no idea what to do or how to solve it. Fred, George, and her personal bodyguard Philip try to comfort her to the best of their ability.

Harry's POV:

Hermione said, "I'm sure I've done everything right. It looks like the book said it should. Once we've drunk it, we'll have exactly one hour before we change back into ourselves." Ron asked, "Now what?" Hermione said, "We separate it into three glasses and add the hairs."

Ron and I grimace. We watch as Hermione pours the potion into three glasses. Ron and I have changed into the Slytherin robes. All three of us raise our glasses. We then drop the hairs in. The potion turns shades of yellow, brown, and khaki. Ron said, "Ugh. The essence of Crabbe..." We nod and drink the potion at the same time. Ron swallows grimly and doubles over.

Ron said, "Think I'm gonna be sick..." I watch him run into a stall. I look sick and step up to a cracked mirror. Hermione paused and looked worried. Something's wrong... While in the stall, Ron bends over the toilet, watching as his reflection morphs into Crabbe.

In the cracked mirror, I watch my face contort into the thick features of Goyle. Hermione looks at her arm. Without me noticing, she notices patches of fur begin to spread across her wrist and hand. Terrified, she runs into a stall. Ron emerges from his stall, a dead ringer for Crabbe.

Ron asked, "Harry?" I asked, "Ron?" Ron said, "Bloody hell." I said, "We still sound like ourselves. You need to sound more like Crabbe." Ron adjusts his voice and says in a lower voice, "Bloody hell." I said, "Lower." Ron went lower still and said, "Bloody hell."

I said, "Less intelligent." Ron dumbed it down and said, "Bloody hell." I said, "Excellent." Ron asked, "Hey... Where's Hermione?" Hermione who was still inside the stall said nervously, "I -- I don't think I'm going. You go on without me." I asked,  "Hermione, are you okay?" She said, "Just go! You're wasting time!"

Time Skip to when Harry and Ron arrived at the Slytherin Common Room in disguise as Crabbe and Goyle:

Harry's POV

Ron and I hurry down the staircase. Ron said to me, "Don't swing your arms like that. Crabbe holds them sort of stiff." I go a bit more "Neanderthal." Ron said, "Yeah. That's better." We move quickly, when... we hear footsteps. Seconds later, Percy appears at the end of the corridor. Ron said, "What are you doing here?"

Percy squints, confused by Ron's voice. I elbow Ron, who clears his throat and speaks in a lower voice. Ron asked, "What are you doing here?" Percy said, "I happen to be a prefect. You, on the other hand, have no business wandering the corridors at night. It's not safe these days." We nod, afraid to speak. Percy squints again.

Percy asked, "What're your names again?" Draco came down the hall and said, "Crabbe. Goyle. Where have you been? Pigging out in the Great Hall all this time?" Draco is walking towards them and glances witheringly at Percy. Draco said in a snobby tone toward Percy, "And what are you doing down here, Weasley?"

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