Chapter 11: Valentine's Day Celebrations

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A/N: Hello everyone! This chapter has been in editing and writing mode for the past few weeks since I'm very close to finishing my junior year of college and @AmazingAmber15 has been busy with her life. Anyway, enjoy the chapter and don't forget to follow this account, @AmazingAmber15, and our collaboration account @RavenpuffHogwarts14! I would like to give a personal shoutout to @CarterzGirl33 for the idea for Y/N's secret admirer's note. I recommend listening to some classical Valentine's Day music as you read this chapter. If you feel like it, in the comments section below, let me know what Y/N should do about Professor Lockhart's flirting and have a way to make sure he doesn't do it again.

Plot: Y/N and her friends are celebrating Valentine's Day with a casual breakfast in the morning, a slightly more dressed-up lunch in the afternoon, and a formal Valentine's Day dinner in the evening. Y/N receives a secret admirer's note and a basket of gifts from her secret admirers (Fred & George Weasley) whom she doesn't know on the morning of Valentine's Day. She has no idea who sent the basket of gifts nor the secret admirer's note. She asks her roommate Hermione if she has any idea but even Hermione has no idea. Lockhart has been flirting with her all day at any chance he can get which instantly made the Weasley twins jealous, her older brother furious and Y/N very irritated, annoyed, and scared. Y/N explains to Angelina and Katie at the formal Valentine's Day dinner that it is completely inappropriate to impersonate an actual royal and ignore the new law that was put into place by the royal family. Will Lockhart ever stop flirting with Y/N? What will Y/N do to stop Lockhart's flirtatious behaviour? Does Y/N ever figure out who her secret admirer(s) are? What will Angelina and Katie do about this new law that the royal family put into place? Keep reading to find out!

Y/N's POV:

I woke up on a beautiful Saturday morning. I looked at my calendar and realized that today is Valentine's Day. I looked outside my dorm window and saw Hazel tapping on the window carrying a basket filled with chocolate (A/N: you can choose if you like milk chocolate, dark chocolate, or white chocolate), a small bouquet of pink roses, and an adorable white kitten who was giving me cute loving eyes. This is what the kitten looks like:

I noticed that inside the basket was a note

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I noticed that inside the basket was a note. I opened it and it said:


I have loved you from afar for so long that I'm bound and determined to ask you to be my love one day. Every time you do something nice or say something kind, it makes my heart skip a beat.

I yearn to learn which family of the British Wizarding World you rightfully belong to. I do have a question: how are you always so nice and kind towards others? Could you possibly give me some helpful tips for me to use on being kind towards others?

Here's a romantic poem for you:

As red as the roses
As blue as the violets
As fine as the purest gold
Is the love that's between us.

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