Chapter 6: Writing on the Wall/Learning about the Chamber of Secrets

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A/N: Hello everyone! Here is Chapter 6: Writing on the Wall/Learning about the Chamber of Secrets. You can tell what happens in this chapter. Fred and George comfort Y/N because she is so scared of everything that has happened. Will more attacks happen? Who will be attacked next? Thank you for reading and please go vote! Bye!

Harry's POV:

I was in the DADA classroom with Lockhart, doing my detention which was helping him answer his fan mail. It's so boring. I would rather be in detention with Snape because honestly, anything's better than this. Ron has detention with Filch, having to clean all the trophies without using magic.

Lockhart said, "Harry, Harry, Harry... Can you possibly imagine a better way to serve detention than by helping me to answer my fan mail?" I said, "Not really." but I was thinking in my mind 'Yes!' Lockhart said, "Fame is a fickle friend, Harry. Celebrity is as celebrity does. Remember that."

We continued with the fan mail when I heard a voice. It said, "Come, come, come to me. Come to me!" I said, "What?" Lockhart said, "Sorry?" I said, "That voice." Lockhart asked, "Voice?"  I asked, "Didn't you hear it?"

Lockhart said, "What are you talking about, Harry? I think we're getting a bit a-drowsy. And, Great Scott- no wonder! Look at the time! We've been here nearly four hours! Spooky how the time flies when one's having fun. Heh, heh." I said, "Spooky."

I left the classroom and finished with detention when I heard the voice again. It said, "Blood. I smell blood. Let me rip you... Let me kill you. Kill... kill... kill!"

I tried to follow the voice to see where it was coming from when Ron, Hermione, and Y/N appeared.

Y/N's POV:

Hermione, Ron, and I left the Great Hall to go find Harry as he wasn't there for dinner. We were heading to the DADA classroom where Harry was having detention when we saw him. Hermione said, "Harry." Harry asks, "Did you hear it?" Ron looked concerned and confused and said, "Hear what?"

Harry said, "That voice." Hermione was getting confused as well and asked, "Voice? What voice?" I was getting concerned and asked, "Harry, what are you talking about?"  Harry said, "I heard it first in Lockhart's office, and then, again, just–" He must have heard the voice again cause he stopped talking.

The voice said, "It's time." Harry got tense and said, "It's moving. I think it's going to kill." Harry runs past us down the corridor and then Ron says, "Kill?" The three of us ran after him and Hermione said, "Harry, wait! Not so fast!" Harry stops in the middle of the corridor, then looks down to see the floor is wet before walking to the right.

Ron, Hermione, and I run to catch up with him; we stop abruptly as we see numerous spiders scurrying away through a crack in the window. Harry said, "Strange... I've never seen spiders act like that." Ron said, "I don't like spiders." We then glance at something else on the floor. Ron said, "What's that?" I had a feeling that this wasn't a good thing at well.

We gaze at a puddle of water, where we can see what appears to be bloody writing, then look up at the wall to see foreboding words written in blood which Hermione reads, "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir, beware."

It's written in BLOOD. Harry and I looked to the left and said, "Oh, no." Hermione and Ron follow our gaze and gasp when they see what Harry and I are seeing; we walked toward a torch on the wall, tied to the torch is Mrs. Norris, frozen and seemingly scared by something. I knew that because I always see her with Filch. Behind us, Percy walks into the corridor, leading the other Gryffindor house students.

The rest of the students were terrified by the words on the wall. I was just as terrified as the rest of the students. I don't really know what this message is about but I can tell it can't be any good.

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