Chapter 9: Antastasia's First Birthday Party part 1

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A/N: Hello! This is Chapter 9: Antastasia's First Birthday Party. Y/N and her best friends Hermione and Alicia go back to the palace to celebrate Anastasia's first birthday. The royal family has a small casual birthday party between a small group of friends and family. This will be Molly and Arthur's first time officially meeting Anastasia since they found out about her birthday a year ago. It's the same for Hermione and Alicia as well. It will be the Weasley children's first time at the palace ever in their lifetime. Join the royal family as they celebrate this special day for their youngest daughter. Don't forget to vote! PLEASE leave a comment on what you like about the series so far and what you want to see in the series in the comments below.

Y/N's POV:

I am relaxing in my dorm reading my Alice in Wonderland book when Hazel arrived with a letter in her talons. I pulled it out of her talons and I realized that it was from my mother. I opened it and it said:

Dear Y/N,

As you already know, your little sister Anastasia's first birthday is coming up. We are planning on having a small casual birthday party for her between friends and family. You can invite Hermione and Alicia back to the palace for this momentous occasion.

This means that Arthur and Molly Weasley will officially meet Princess Anastasia for the very first time since they found out about her birth in the Daily Prophet almost exactly a year ago. When I last talked with them, they said that they are very excited to meet her in person.

I'm sure that Hermione is excited to officially meet Anastasia. Most of us here at the palace can't believe that she is gonna turn a year old in a couple of days. She's getting so big and I can't wait until she starts speaking and walking.

I'll talk with Professor Dumbledore to get you excused from your classes for the next couple of days or so to spend time with your family and celebrate your little sister's first birthday. If needed, I can get Hermione and Alicia excused from their classes as well. Just be sure to let me know.

Your father and I will see you and Christian shortly. Make sure to pack enough clothes for about two or three days. Can't wait to have you home again.


Your mother

I am excited to go home to see my family again as well as to celebrate my little sister's 1st birthday. I can't believe she's gonna be turning a year old in a few days. Time has gone by so quickly. I remember the day that she was born. She has grown quite a bit between the day she was born and now according to my parents. I got dressed and did my hair and makeup. This is my outfit:

As soon as I got dressed, I grabbed several days worth of clothes as well as my toiletries

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As soon as I got dressed, I grabbed several days worth of clothes as well as my toiletries. I packed it all into my overnight bag which I set on my bed and headed downstairs to the Gryffindor Common Room to see Hermione and Alicia reading their books. I said, "Morning, girls!"

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