Chapter 16: Saving Ginny from the Chamber of Secrets

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A/N: Here is Chapter 16: Saving Ginny from the Chamber of Secrets. Y/N, the Weasley twins, Harry, Ron, and Lockhart go into the Chamber of Secrets to save Ginny from the Heir of Slytherin and the Basilisk. I left another author's note further alone in the chapter for you to use your imagination for which of Y/N's superpowers she would use in the battle against Tom Riddle and the Basilisk.

Harry's POV:

Lockhart walks ahead of me and Ron, our wands pointed at him. Fred, George, and Y/N were walking behind us making sure that Lockhart didn't run away. Moaning Myrtle floats above the cistern. Moaning Myrtle asks, "Who's there? Oh... [smiles, flirty] Hello, Harry. What do you want?" I said, "To ask you how you died." She said flattered, "Oooooh, it was dreadful. It happened right here. In this very cubicle. I'd hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. I was crying, and then I heard somebody come in." "Who was it, Myrtle?" I asked her. She said, "I don't know! I was distraught! But they said something funny. A kind of made-up language. And I realized it was a boy speaking. So I unlocked the door, to tell him to go away, and... I died." Harry said, "Just like that? How?"

She said, "No idea. I just remember seeing a pair of great big yellow eyes. Over there..." Myrtle points to the bank of sinks. The five of us hurry over, examining the pipes below, the tile above, then... I see it: etched on one of the copper taps is a tiny snake. I said, "This is it, guys. This is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets." Y/N said, "I kind of suspected that it was going to be in the girls' bathroom since no one comes in here anyways." Ron said, "Say something, Harry. Say something in Parseltongue."

I stare off self-consciously at the tiny snake. I said, "Open up." Ron shakes his head. I spoke in my regular voice. Ron said, "English." I concentrated harder this time, staring so intensely that the snake almost looks alive. When, finally, I speak, it's more like a hiss. Parseltongue. The circular group of sinks open and a large, open pipe is exposed. I turned to see Fred, George, and Ron with their mouths dangling open in complete and utter shock. Y/N smiled and said, "Well done, Harry." Lockhart said, "Excellent, Harry. Good work. Well then. I'll just be going. There's no need for me..."

Y/N's POV:

Harry said, "Oh, yes there is. You first." Harry points his wand at Lockhart, then the opening. Lockhart said, "Now, boys and Y/N. What good will it do?" Ron said, "A bloody lot of good if it's a two-hundred-foot drop onto jagged rocks." I said, "You've cause a lot of trouble so you're going to pay for it." Lockhart steps grimly to the dark, gaping hole. Ron gives him a shove and he topples headfirst and out of sight. We waited until we heard Lockhart say, "It's really quite filthy down here." Harry said, "All right. Let's go." Moaning Myrtle said, "Oh, Harry... if you die down there, you're welcome to share my toilet." Harry turned to face Myrtle and said, "Thanks, Myrtle."

He then turned to me and the Weasley twins and said, "Once Ron and I jump down, you three can follow after." Three of us nodded in agreement. Harry turns back to face the entrance of the Chamber of Secrets and jumps in. Seconds later, Ron follows. Then the Weasley twins told me, "Y/N, we're gonna go down the pipe now." I nodded and said, "Alright, I'll be down there shortly." I watched them go down the pipe. I quickly turned to Moaning Myrtle and said quietly so the boys down the pipe didn't hear me, "I'll make sure that Harry, Ron and the Weasley twins are safe from the basilisk and whoever is the heir of Slytherin. I have my powers and my weapons to protect me so I'll be fine. Don't worry about me."

She smiled and said, "I trust you, Y/N! I know that the boys are in very safe hands with you. Thank you for looking after the boys. Good luck stopping the basilisk and the heir of Slytherin as well as saving Ginny from the heir of Slytherin." I smiled back and said, "Thanks, Myrtle. Even though you're a ghost, I'm still calling you by your name, not what other people at Hogwarts call you." She said, "Thank you, Y/N! Just from you saying that, it makes me miss being an actual human being. Again, good luck, and be careful!" I smiled and jumped down the pipe. Once I landed at the very bottom, I landed into my landing pose just like Black Widow from the Avengers:

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