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Sean woke up very late the next day. The previous day he was completely cooped up in the vault, charting and organizing his papers. He found a lot of data that can be supportive of their plan. 

While he was taking his shower, Mr. Lan had already informed the kitchen to prepare the food. When Sean reached the dining area, he saw his mother waiting for him. He rushed and hugged her from behind, "Ma, good afternoon, were you waiting for me?"

"Yes, I was, my bunny!... you seemed busy these days... A'cheng told me that you are preparing to get back to the research. Mom is worried... A'zhan, do you really want to do this? what if, things go bad like last time?... we won't be able to bear it if something happened to you..." Mrs. Xiao's voice trembled.

"Ma... I know... but this is something I like and want to do... I'm no longer Sixteen... I'll take care of myself... and if something comes up beyond me, I'll surely rely on you guys... so don't worry ok", Sean kissed her cheek.

Soon a light meal was brought to the table. His mother fed him a few spoons full, "Ma, I'll eat by myself... let me feed you now... say aaa" The afternoon went quite pleasant for the mother and son. They were catching up on all those lost years, and soon their hearts brimmed with warmth.




Charles and Sean met as promised, Juan had invited them to his new yacht. They sat relaxed on the luxurious deck sipping their mojitos. Once they reached a considerable distance from the land, soon the focus turned to the game plan. 

Juan was ready to be with them through thick and thin. When they first mentioned the cause,  he insisted. He had great connections with people of all stature. 

Sean: "We need to get inside the Lanling research center, their screening is very tight as ever"

Juan: "Why don't we take the help of your sister?... I mean Chen Fei can refer you..."

Charles: "JiLi is right, Zhan... Your brother-in-law is soon to become the Director of Lanling... I too think it is a good idea.. what do you say?"

Sean: "Even before he became my brother-in-law, he is your stepbrother, remember?..."

Charles: " Technically, yes... but... He is no brother to me... "

Sean: "my bad Yao.. sorry man... guys, Just imagine, me suddenly asking for help from a man, whom I ve been avoiding like the plague for the past years, wouldn't that be too suspicious?"

Charles: "You have to make it more natural, even your sister asked you to get to know him, isn't it?... I think we should use that opportunity."

Sean: "Is there any other way,  like sending someone to work for us... Nah... that would be stupid."

Both Sean and Charles felt dejected, they really cannot come up with something clever, seems like they are not good at planning.

Juan: "I have an idea, why don't you guys disguise yourself and rope in two cuties from Lanling, pretend to court them, and use them to get into the facility or even spy for us at times?... Once we get what we want, you guys can just break up... no loose ends attached "

Duo said in union " No" glaring at him.

Juan: "Okay, that's not your cup of tea... as expected, no wonder you guys are single... what a waste of your handsome faces."

(Sighing) "leave it... then how about this?... You guys go for a makeover, change your looks completely, and infiltrate with a new identity, I can help you with that... you guys can be researchers from abroad... so exciting"

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