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Leone Wang Yibo!?

Both Xiao brothers were in shock.

Jay couldn't hold himself " Your brother??... I mean you have a brother??"

Henry was expecting this kind of response "Yes my friend, this is my one and only baby brother Wang Yibo, my precious Bo di" gesturing at the two young men beside Leone, "And these guys are Yibo's close allies, Mr. Song and Mr. Wen"

Leone was a bit embarrassed by his brother's endearment.

" Nice to meet you, Mr. Jay, I'll be in your care." Leone extended his hand to Jay.

Jay responds with and brief handshake. He was still confused.

On the other hand, Sean's eyes were glued on Leone, intently watching his every move.

Henry pulled Jay along with him towards one of the inner chambers, "buddy, I'll explain everything in detail, and we have a council with Mr. Park"

Jay dragged himself along with Henry " Mr. Wang, you have a hell of a lot to explain!"

Henry gave him his signature smile, "I'll my friend, Now Mr. Xiao shall we go inside first?"

Jay nodded in response, and they went inside.

Now the four were left alone in the room. Leone spoke with a gentle smile, " Mr. Sean, as promised, we meet formally"

Sean got snapped out of the spell, " yeah... Now I understand how you were at the party and why I couldn't get any info about you"

Tapping his forefinger on the head, "...no wonder you knew all about me. Mr. Leone, care to explain to me what this is all about?... and How do you know about my past?... and how do you know those children?... and what happened to them?... and how come you are involved in this?"

Sean became impatient; things were going above his head and he was losing his composure.

Leone was very calm, he moved forward and gently held Sean's hands, " I will answer all your questions, but first, you have to promise me, for the next two weeks you will make yourself free for me." he gazed straight into Sean's peerless eyes.

A comfortable warmth spread through his hand that was held by Leone. Unknowingly he was blushing, lightly shading the tips of his ears in red. His heartbeat upped. He felt lost in those eyes.

Sean was in a daze like a hypnotized rabbit, " I think I can, but ..."

Leone firmed his hold a bit, " You don't have to worry, we will discuss this matter tomorrow, we could fix a time that's convenient for you."

"I'll let you know... I need some time... and how would I contact you? ... Before that does Kuan ge know about this? " Sean realized that they are still holding hands.

Leone slowly eased his grip with an understanding smile, " Gege don't know about the real thing. I just convinced him that I have like this huge crush on you and I can't seem to live without you... and he is helping me to win over you."

Sean was dumbstruck, how can this guy spout such a thing to me with a straight face?

Their brothers came out after the meeting.

Song and Wen stayed silent the whole time.

When they noticed the older ones have finished their work, Wen coughed alerting Leone.

He immediately released Sean's hand and took a step back creating a comfortable distance between them.

Henry watching them inquired, "Is everything fine?"

Sean seemed flustered and Leone stood calm as ever.

It was Sean who answered, "everything is fine Kuan ge"

" So can expect a yes?" Henry asked hopefully.

Sean peered at Leone, who was looking at him with warmth. This guy is causing butterflies in my stomach. Why I'm so attracted to him?

Then he looked at his brother, who was watching him with amusement. --Oh no, I'm sure that Kuan ge told him about Leone's crush on me.

Sean was searching for the right response "... Kuan ge, I'll let you know about the timings... You know I cannot completely stop meeting Jili and Yao... They may find it fishy... Jili will surely try to dig out the matter... That's why"

" I understand Zhan. Once you decide, you can directly call Yibo, I think it would be better."

Turning to his brother, "Bo di, why don't you send your number to Zhan?"

"I don't mind Ge if Mr. Sean is okay with it." Leone immediately cleared his stand.

--This guy, cleverly putting the ball on my court, Sean sighed internally, " I don't have any issues with that."

There was a relief on Henry's face "It's settled then. Zhan, even though my brother may look quite mature, he is just twenty-one. I request you to be patient with him."

--Twenty-one! I assumed he might be younger than me, but not this much, so is he a student? Sean immediately sorted his thoughts, bringing a smile to his face " I'll surely keep it in my mind ge, it's no trouble."

Henry and Jay got engaged in some random chat.

Sean's eyes fell on Song and Wen, their warm eyes betrayed their calm faces. These guys,... have a familiar feeling. They definitely know me. His thoughts were interrupted by his buzzing phone, it was Charles.

"Yao, I'm almost done here... No need to pick me... I'll come over there." And he cut the call.

After some casual chitchat over the tea, Jay and Sean bid bye to the Wangs.

During the drive to the docks,

Sean: " Ge, you seem happy"

Jay (smirking): " And you seem dazed di... and Kuan has a younger brother, unbelievable... They have such a nice bond in spite of living separately... To start a publishing company at such a young age is amazing... He is adorable and well-mannered... What do you think di?"

I know ge, where this is heading, you want to know how I feel about him.

Sean: "well, he is not bad, I guess."

Jay (hopeful): So, are you accepting the request?

Sean: "I think I could spare some time, after all, it's just for two weeks."

Jay (smiling): "Good, Kuan would be happy."

Sean: "Why do I feel that you are too happy, Ge?"

Jay (patting Sean's head): "It's time to expand your circle bunny, I think this would be a good start... and he is Kuan's brother, so I can put my worries at bay."

Sean (pouting): "Gege, I'm not a child"

Jay (looking at him with utmost warmth): "Still you are my baby brother, bunny... and I understand very well, how Kuan feels."

Sean kept silent, feeling overwhelmed. By the time they reached the docks. Sean hugged Jay, " ... thank you for watching over me, ge."

Without waiting for his big brother's response, Sean quickly got out of the car, secretly wiping his tears.

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