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Something coiled over my body, so tight I can't move... it hurts... can't breathe... can not open my eyes... so groggy... voices...

"...the little rat trying to sneak..." (another voice)... "are we sure he is the spy ?"  (cold chilling voice) "put him in the COLD CHAMBER... and update the ARC... (dark grin)... we waste nothing."

Save me... somebody... save me, please... going to die...


Shhh... don't make any sound... you are safe... everything is going to be alright... (The hands wrapped around me are smaller than mine, me shaking like a leaf, wheezing)...  It's okay... calm down... It's okay...  (lifting my chin) ...look into my eyes ( his voice is so mesmerizing, those big livid eyes completely hypnotizing, can't see his face)...Soon you will forget all the bad things you have seen...  sleep now.


"Master Zhan, master Zhan... wake up..." my body shook and my eyes opened with a struggle.
 --I could faintly guess a familiar figure... oh, it was Mr. Yan... so was that a dream?... it felt so real...  a part of my lost memory?... who was that boy again? and why do I see him in my dreams? ... --

"Master Zhan, are you alright?" Oh, I forgot about Mr. Yan, "Yes, just an awful dream... thank you for rescuing me from the monsters, Mr. Yan" and I winked playfully. Mr. Yan, who is quite accustomed to my antics bowed and left with a smile. 

I dragged my feet to the bathroom still wondering about my recurring dreams and particularly about the boy in my dreams. As I was coming out, I heard my phone buzzing, before I could reach it the ringing stopped and a message popped on the screen. "Good Morning Mr. Sean. Hope you remember the promise."

Oops, I forgot to inform Mr. Leone about when I would be free. I replied " Good morning to you too. I would be free around noon, let me know if it is convenient for you."

I got a reply without much ado "Good with me, so how about a Lunch date? I'll send you the location."

Seeing the word 'date' made me blush a little, this guy is so direct. I wonder why I don't find it offensive, even when he held my hands for that long, yesterday... his hands were comfortably warm... --" Zhan gets a grip, will you?..."-- 

I replied, "The offer is way too tempting to deny Mr. Leone, I'll be there."

My phone beeped displaying the message, "See you soon." It's just a common speech, still, it tugged at my heart with unknown anticipation. Soon the address came, it was Wang Constructions' address, --"is he inviting me to Kuan ge's office?"--

I was getting ready, heard a knock on my door. It was Mr. Yan, " Master Cheng asked if you would be joining him at his meeting with Wang Construction?..."

Brother already got the update? that was fast... "tell him I would go with him." responded Zhan and continues to select something suitable to wear.

Mr. Yan before leaving, " Master Zhan, the first young master had already finished his breakfast and madam is waiting for you to join" he bowed and left.

Sean hurriedly choose to wear an open cardigan paired with a button-down shirt and Khakis. He was pleased with his look in the mirror, polished yet aesthetic,  complimented with Axel Arigato's gorgeous Genesis sneakers. Smiling at himself he hurried downstairs.

Madam Xiao watching her son literally gobble the food, "slow down A'Zhan, you'll choke". 
"Cant ma, Cheng ge is already waiting" Finishing his breakfast and giving his mother a quick hug he rushed to the carport. 

Loveless 'solitaire' {YiZhan FF}Where stories live. Discover now