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"As of today, you should be already halfway done with your essays, I expect to see some good topics on my desk by next week. Class dismissed." Professor Leighlyn announces, packing her things as fast as any other student in the class.

I unzip my bag, placing my notebook inside before sparing a glance over to Elijah who was sat next to me. He was still staring at the board in front of him, a frown present on his face. I sighed, getting up from my seat and pushing the chair in.

"Your negativity is ruining my day Hampton. Stop with the moping, it's only until football season is over." I walk past him, mentioning our duties that the Dean punished us with.

I could hear him gruffly mumble something before gathering his things, it wasn't until that I was halfway down the steps and on my way to the door that Elijah roughly pushed past me and beat me to the door. "Believe me I know Conway, but I will be sure to leave you with the most to clean up tomorrow night." He mischievously grinned, opening the door and then shutting it in my face one he exited.

I widened my eyes at his response before quickly following after him down the hall. "You didn't have to join me in creating that mess Elijah and you know it, stop putting so much of the blame on me." I finally caught up to him. Brushing past a few students to get to him, to which I earned a few dirty looks.

"I can blame you all I want Conway; this is the mess you created not mine." He shrugged, turning down a hall. I continued to follow after him, hellbent on getting the last word in.

"Fine, be angry with me all you want. But I vividly remember you aiding in my destroying that dickholes car." Elijah now looked at me, giving me a weird look before replying: "Dickhole? Come on Harper think of a better way to describe him."

I rolled my eyes and began to walk off now, now entering the lobby area of the English building. I paused in my tracks upon seeing said dickhole and his new 'girlfriend' sitting and expressing how nasty they can be to everyone in the building. I hated PDA especially if I was witnessing my ex-throat fuck the blonde bimbo who stole him from me, but what was worse was how bad it hurt to watch him do so. I just stood there frozen still watching them like some idiot, and I'm sure I was embarrassing myself at this point.

I felt a warm presence next to me before a hand gripped my wrist and pulled me towards the exit. The smell of Elijah's musky cologne and the sight of his football sweatshirt clad back, caused me to realize what was going on.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, now removing my wrist from his hand once we were outside of the building. He turned around and gave me a narrowed look before expressing how much of a loser I was. "Are you stupid? You're just watching him kiss her like some sulky ex." He gruffly put before scoffing and looking away from me.

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