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"We have to leave soon Eli." I could hear Masen's voice pipe up through my cracked door. I was already packing my bag for tonight's game.

It had been a week or so since I accepted Harper's offer, but she wanted to wait after break to let the student population know of our 'relationship'. Which I didn't mind, we had a few more games before break and I needed to focus on those more than anything.

I was kind of relieved that she ended up choosing me, even if it is fake. A deep and dark part of my mind felt satisfied that she wanted me to fill that position rather than some random guy. I didn't like Harper, no; but I like any other sane man on campus was attracted to her. Didn't mean I wanted a real relationship with her, Harper and I were polar opposites, we would obviously clash. Our relationship would end a few weeks in.

Why was I even thinking about it...?

"Elijah?" I heard knocking at my door, before it creaked open to reveal Masen again. I mumbled a come in, while I stuffed my cleats into the duffle bag.

"Are you coming or not? We got to get to campus so we can get on the bus, plus Carlo wants the best seats." He sighed, and I chuckled in return. Turning to face him I noticed he was wearing a small, beaded bracelet on his wrist. There were dainty little flowers on it and what looked to be a letter on the side that I couldn't read. I could only assume one letter though.

"She gave you a bracelet huh? Must mean you guys are official then?" I grinned, teasing him. Grabbing my bag off the bed, I managed to glide past him while he rambled about the accessory on his wrist.

"Actually, I think so, I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet, but I plan to. She's supposed to come to the game tonight." He smiled wide, walking down the steps with me.

"Finally, you guys are here, let's go. The rest of the guys left already." Carlo huffed, walking out the door and towards the car. I chuckled, turning over to Masen who was rolling his eyes and grabbing his stuff off the landing.

"I guess we should go before he gets mad, he didn't get the back seat on the bus." I shrugged, following Masen out the door and towards Carlo's truck.


It was packed at the back of campus, apparently there was a pep bus tagging along with a few students from the club. However, I didn't expect to hear from coach that we would be sharing the bus with the cheerleading squad. Luckily it was only the competitive team since they had a competition in town. But that would mean Harper would be on the bus, and that wasn't an entirely bad thing......

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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