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"Okay, we have another home game coming up next week and I would like us to be prepared more than we were last Friday. We're up against the Hawks, the same ones who beat us last year and won state." My coach's gruff voice yelled, bouncing off the locker room walls. I grabbed the gray t-shirt out of my bag before slowly sliding it on as I listened to him.

He was right, the Hawk's kicked our asses and only because we were all distracted. The Hawks were good, and it's probably because they got a new coach last year that used to coach for an NFL team. Don't get me wrong, Coach Finn is an amazing coach I couldn't ask for more. But his only experience before here, was with a middle school team.

"Now, I want all of your asses out on that field and doing laps!" Coach yelled, earning a bunch of 'Yeahs' and 'yes coach' from all of us.

I walked out alongside Mase, we both followed the rest of the team out and onto the field where everyone began to do laps. "Why is coach having us do laps again?" Carlo caught up to us both, already deeply breathing from just a few kilometers of running.

"Because we didn't win our game last Friday." Mase shrugged. "What I want to know is how Elijah is still playing in next week's game." He nudged me, giving me a grin.

I rolled my eyes; I didn't know either. I guess it was because he needed me, and I was already punished for being a witness to what had happened in the parking lot. "Not sure, but I'm not going to question it. Bad part is I have to stay after the game and clean the bleachers from both sides."

"Oh, I forgot about that, dude what about the parties afterwards?" Carlo piped up.

I rolled my eyes, beginning the laps we were assigned to do. Carlo was like the designated partier on the team, any party that was happening, Carlo would be there. Unless he was sick, which wasn't very often. He was always taking care of Mase and I when were sick during the winter seasons, I remember being out for 2 weeks because of a cold and Carlo was there preparing me soup of some kind that his Abuela made for him. It was some good soup, and I was up and ready to go the next morning, not a single fever or cough left.

"I think I can miss a few parties." I sighed, before turning to see Zachary and his buddies follow up behind us. The sound of their annoying laughter getting closer as we all ran on the track.

Even though I found Harper annoyingly frustrating, Zachary West was my number one enemy on campus, and I hated the guy's guts. He was always flaunting the fact his parents' owned half of the buildings around campus and that he was basically the golden boy here. He also couldn't keep his arrogant mouth shut if his life depended on it. Harper had happened to tell me that Zachary had gotten himself out of cleaning up and I knew he went to blab to his parents about some bullshit. I knew one way or another he was going to do it; it was just about time.

When she had told me, I seriously wanted to strangle the guy, but I held back. It wasn't even that big of a deal really, and honestly karma would come and bite his ass.

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