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"Are you guys coming to the fall recital this weekend?" I perked up hearing Eloise, while eating another spoonful of the lucky charms I had poured myself this morning.

After a long treacherous week of trying to convince the dean to let me change what I do for community service, I was still empty handed. He was adamant on making me clean up after football games instead of helping around a classroom or the library. He claimed that cleaning the bleachers would help me realize that trashing someone else's stuff wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be.

He was right, but I had learned that pretty quickly after the first day. I just wished he could be more lenient and let me do something without Elijah and Zachary's constant bickering or jabbing at me. I thought he would've after I explained the conditions, I was working in, but he had said that it was part of the consequences.

However, instead of just giving up, I planned to make another appointment to see him today. This time I was prepared. If this didn't work, then I would have to make up another excuse as to why I can't make early practice this Saturday. If I were to tell Coach Jessely, she would immediately take my captain title away. I couldn't lose that, I also couldn't bear the thought that our bitchy co-captain, Theresa would take my spot.

I was obviously distracted by this and hadn't been listening to anything Leona or Eloise had been saying until El had mentioned her recital. Leona and I had planned to go Saturday evening since El were performing pretty early on Sunday. Plus, Leona had made plans for Sunday, not sure what but she didn't really explain either.

"Uh yeah, tomorrow at 7, right?" I ask, earning a nod from Eloise who was sitting across from me eating her own breakfast.

"Are you planning on going back to the dean's office today?" Leona hummed, giving me a narrowed look from where she was by the fridge.

I sheepishly smiled, nodding my head while stirring the milk that was left behind in my bowl. "I can't just keep making up excuses to coach and I can't exactly walk back on to the field Saturday morning after making it pretty clear to Elijah I wouldn't be back."

"Well, you could." Leona shrugged.

I sighed, getting up from my spot and going to take care of my bowl. "I could but I would never hear the end of it from Elijah or Zachary. It's bad enough I have to work with them outside of classes."

"How come you let Elijah and Zachary get the best of you Har?" Leona glanced over at me, watching me empty my bowl's contents into the sink.

I shrugged, wondering the same thing. Zachary was someone I could care less about right now and same with Elijah. Why was I letting them overpower me?

"I don't know, maybe it's because Elijah is so annoying and I want to punch his face in, same with Zachary. They're both major dickheads and arrogant pricks and they annoy me." Leona chuckles, taking a bite out of some toast before facing me.

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