𝟎𝟎𝟏| 𝐈'𝐌 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐄

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┏━━✦❘༻ ONE ༺❘✦━━┓

"Don't touch me... let go!"
"Be a good girl for daddy and shut up." He snarled, raising a broken bottle in his hand, getting ready to strike the poor girl who was sobbing on the floor, blood already running down her face, due to the previous beatings he had received prior to now.

[name] shot up immediately from her bed, as all the memories from the night before start to flood her brain. Pain shot through her weak body as she attempted to grab her phone, which laid on her bedside table. Checking the time, her phone read 𝟬𝟴:𝟯𝟮 𝗮𝗺.

Her eyes widened as she threw the covers off her already cold body. Rushing to the bathroom, she managed to do her daily routine and dress up without creating too much noise so as to wake up the disgusting excuse of a father.

Quietly making her way down the stairs, she notices a figure walking about with a can of beer in their hand. As soon as he was out of her sight, she ran for her life, not caring if she slammed the door on her way out or not. She could always cover that up with a lie.


(name) finally arrived at the class which she was demoted to, which is class 3-E. To others, class E sounds like the worst place to be in, but to her, that's where you can be you. No one has to worry about being someone you're not, because everyone is like family. Family. Something she never had. Which is why she has never taken her time spent associating for granted.

Her father was abusive as far as her memory goes. Sure, he would be nice in public since he had an image to keep up, but at home, there was never a day where he would spare her from any beatings. According to him, she was the reason why her mother, his wife, had left them. Because she was a mistake. An accident. Unwanted. A nobody.

All sorts of bruises, scars and burns littered her body. Back in the main campus, many avoided her, thinking that whatever was on her body was the result of many fights she previously had engaged in. She won't deny it, she had been in a few fights, but she never actually got bruised badly.

"Boo." A random voice stated, causing her to shriek in shock. She whipped her head around and was met with an all too familiar face.

"The hell? Was that really necessary?" (name) frowned, not happy that her best friend had managed to scare the girl for the umpteenth time that week.

"Missed you too, (name)." He smirked as (name) rolled her eyes at the redhead named Karma. Wanting to pull the girl in for a hug, Karma raised his arm, to which you flinched at.

Seeing how she reacted, his eyes went wide, before the atmosphere became tense. Everyone that was currently sitting in the class shivered at the abrupt change in atmosphere.

"Why did you flinch?" Karma asked a shadow appearing on his face.

"I, um, thought I saw a spider..?" Her eyes travelled away from Karma's figure, something she did when she lied.

"Don't you dare lie to me. I said, why the hell did. you. flinch." He repeated once again, patience wearing thin with every passing second. "Did he hit you again?"

Her eyes went wide slightly before telling the truth to her best friend.

"He did..." her voice was small, as she was scared. Scared of what Karma would do to her father, and scared of what her father would do to her.

"That good for nothing ba-" Karma turned around, ready to go to (name)'s house and fight her 'father', but was stopped when she immediately grabbed onto him with pleading eyes as tears started to fill them.

"Going there will only make it worse..." (name) sniffed, recalling all those horrible beatings she received yesterday and many other days.

Karma sighed before pulling the now crying girl into his embrace and rubbed his palm up and down her back in hopes of comforting her.

┗━━✦❘༻END OF ONE༺❘✦━━┛

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