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Katherine's POV
"Now please explain to me why you guys are in my room" I said even though I already know why.
"I.. Uh.. I though you took one of my hoodies?" James replied but came out as a question.
"You sound uncertain there and if you are just searching for a hoodie then Tristan wouldn't be with you, now get out"

He sighs and drags Tristan out with him.


"I didn't find anything in her closet!" I hear James say
"Maybe you were imagining things" Connor replied. "Plus, it's common sense not to snoop in your siblings room"

James huffs as I left to go to school.


My phone started vibrating and I quickly picked it up from my desk, everyone was talking so they didn't notice. I read the caller id, I ignored it since it was only James calling but after that, he continuously tried getting a hold of me
"James, you're gonna get me in trouble!" I said angrily.
"But this is urgent!" He replied.
"What is it?"
"Just walk to the office"

I ended the call and packed my stuff before telling my teacher I'm leaving. I made my way down to the office seeing James walking about.

"What's so urgent that you have to pull me out of class?" I asked.
"It's Tris, he won't come out of his room" he replied.


We rushed inside seeing Connor and Brad trying to get Tristan out. James motioned them to come down as I approached his door and knocked.

"Tris, can I come in?" I asked.

I hear shuffling and a click meaning he unlocked the door. I hear whispering coming from downstairs from the boys as I walked in and closed the door.

"What's going on?" I asked. "The boys are worried"

He sighs while shrugging and patting the the empty spot beside him.

"Is it just one of those days?" I asked while sitting beside him and he nods.
"I hate hate feeling sad for no reason" he replied while resting his head on my shoulder.

We sat there in silence as Tristan pulls the covers over us and pulling me closer to him.


I woke up, not remembering that I fell asleep. I took me a while to realize that I was in Tristan's arms, I look up to see Tris still asleep. All of a sudden, I heard yelling which woke Tristan up.

"What's happening down there?" He mumbled.
"Let's go see what it is" I replied while grabbing his hand.

He groans as I drag him out of his room.

"I don't even know how you found where we are!" James yelled as he turned around and motioned me to stay in Tris' room but I shook my head and continued going down the stairs.
"You will never know" a familiar voice said.

As I reached the bottom step, I kinda jolted back into Tris.

"What are you doing here?" I asked rudely.
"I saw you leave during 4th period and I wanted to make sure you're okay" Joe replied.
"As you can see I'm perfectly fine now please leave"

Joe just stood there looking at all of us.

"Did you not hear her?" Connor asked.
"Then let's hangout!" Joe said while ignoring Connor.
"I have plans already" I lied.
"Goodbye" James said while pushing Joe out and locking the door.
"When will he leave me alone?" I groaned while falling on to the couch.


"Love, what are you doing?" Tristan asks.
"Doing what I always do" I replied. "Being a rug"
"Well James wants me to tell you to go change"
"We're going to a bonfire"

I groaned.

"Help me up then" I said while reaching my arms towards him and he pulls me up.


I sat on shore while the boys were with his other friends.

Bradley's POV
It was late and we all decided to go home.

"Where's Kat?" James asked.
"I don't know" Connor replied. "She wasn't with us all night"

We looked around.. Well I wandered around to see if Kat was anywhere but she wasn't. I walked back to the boys and they were all worried sick.

"Let's just put these away and then continue to look for her" Connor said.

We all agreed and walked to the car and loaded it. I felt someone hug me from behind, I froze and quickly turned.

"Where were you kitten?" I asked Kat.
"I found something" She replied in a small voice and taking my hand which caused tingles to shoot through my body.

She led me to a small cave.

"Look in inside" She said quietly.

I bent down and I couldn't believe what I saw.
Today was my last day of school and then I have exams all this week.
Hopefully I'll write more after when I'm done with exams.
Sorry if this chapter is bad, idk why i decided to write the rest while I'm very tired.

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