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Katherine's POV
"Stay close to me" my brother said and I nodded.

We headed into the venue very slowly since we were mobbed.

"I love you!" I hear one fan yell while the rest were shouting their names.

After getting through the girls, the boys went straight to soundcheck for the fans that got passes for it. I decided to sneak out to say hi to the others who only got General Admission. When I stepped out, they all went crazy, I waved to all of them while walking up to the fence.

"Hello!" I greeted a girl with her hair dyed half black and red.
"Oh my gosh hi!" She replied quickly. "Can you give these to the boys?"
"Of course!"

We took a photo and that continued for a long while until someone picked me up from behind.

"James is looking for you" I hear Brad say while the fans screamed louder.
"Okay, I'll be there in a couple minutes" I replied while receiving a gift from a fan but he grabs my hand and managed to quiet down the crowd.
"Kat has to go now, the boys and I will be out here later, I promise!" He tells them and blows them a kiss and we headed inside.
"You know, it feels different meeting fans here then back home at my school"
"Well it's cause you know they won't use you"
"Yeah, I guess so"
"Whoa, where'd you get all of that?" Connor asked me as we entered the room.
"These are for you guys" I replied while placing them down on the table. "I was out there for like and hour or so"
"Alone?" James asked with a hint of worry in his voice and I nodded.
"But it's way better here if you compare it back at school"

15 minutes later, they went out and I stayed behind.


"Kitten" I hear Brad say as he places a soft kiss on my forehead and I flutter my eyes open. "I didn't want to wake up but the shows starting soon"
"Okay" I said while sitting up and stretching.
"Come on"

I followed Brad backstage.

"Have fun out there" I said to the boys as I hugged them.

When I got to Brad, I sneaked a kiss on his cheek and he smiles as I pull away. I had a little jam session by myself when they started, no one saw since it's dark and for a bonus, I was alone so no one can laugh at me. Brad looks over to me and gives me a wink before he does a jump.


"Ew guys, stop!" I yelled while pushing them away. "You guys are all sweaty!"
"We just want a hug!" Connor said.
"Maybe you'll get one after when you shower!"

They all chorus an okay and left and of course, Brad comes out first.

"Hug" he said while making grabby hands at me and I laugh.
"You did great out there" I said into his shoulder.
"That's cause you're here"
"Katherine!" I hear Tristan yell and I pull away from Brad and got embraced into Tris' arms. "Did you like that show?"
"Yeah, you guys did great out there" I replied.
"Group hug!" I hear James and Connor yell and felt arms get wrapped around us.
"Okay guys, we need to hit the road"

They nodded and we headed onto the tour bus to our next location.


"Kitten" Brad said into my hair.
"Yeah" I replied.
"I'm bored"
"Go on your phone or something"
"I don't wanna"
"Then what do you want to do?"
"Cuddle, you cuddle with Connor and Tristan a lot so James won't question it"

I nuzzle into Brads chest as he plays with my hair.
I really wanted get this chapter up because this fanfic got 1.14k reads!
Thank you guys for that! I love you all 💕

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