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Katherine's POV
I threw on a light blue sundress and put on my converses and headed out without anyone knowing. I walked a block to meet up with Brad.

"You look beautiful tonight" Brad complemented and I blushed.
"You don't look bad yourself" I complemented back and he gives me a silly look.
"Look at what I'm wearing, a plain t-shirt and skinny jeans"
"It's still passable for this, where are we going anyways?"
"A little café that's close by"

He intertwines our hands and starts dragging me towards it. When we arrived, we ordered our things and the worker behind the cash register was clearly checking him out and flirting but he kept making kissy faces at me and I made one back and he smiles while putting his arm around my shoulder.

"You know, you saying yes to being my girlfriend was probably the best thing yesterday" Brad said. "I guess you can say that was the best birthday present"
"So getting you customized guitar picks wasn't the best?" I asked.
"Hmm.. It was, but knowing you are mine is much better"

Halfway through our date, my phone started going off like crazy, I looked at it and see James texting me like crazy.

"James is texting me like crazy" I said with a sad expression.
"So we have to end our date here?" He asked.
"I guess.."
"But I had something else planned!"
"Then let's go!"
"Oh you rebel!"

I smiled and we headed out the door and he lead me somewhere that I wasn't familiar with. We ended up on a rooftop.

"This is the last part and then I'll walk you home" he said. "Come on"
"Are we allowed up here?"
"I'm joking, we are! I'm always up here, now let's watch the beautiful sunset!"

He pulls me down with him on the edge. I lay my head on his shoulder while our hands are intertwined.


"Well I can't really walk in with you" Brad said a little awkwardly.
"Come in like 15 minutes later" I replied and pecked his cheek. "I'll see later"

He nods and I crossed the street and into my home.

"Where were you?" James yelled.
"I was out" I replied while walking to my room.
"You need to know because?"
"Everyone was worried sick! You didn't even reply to my texts! You can't run off like that!"

All I did was shrug and he storms away.


The boys were fooling around while I was on my phone.

"Kitten!" Someone yelled and jumped on me which caused me to drop my phone.
"Oh my gosh Brad!" I yelled. "You scared the shit out of me!"
"I'm sorry love"

He puts his arm around me making sure James doesn't see. My phone went off so I had to bend down and grab it to see who it was.

From: Tris 🐯
Something going on with Brad over there? 😏
To: Tris 🐯
Nothing's going on
From: Tris 🐯
Uh huh 😏
To: Tris 🐯
Stop with those smirky faces!
From: Tris 🐯
To: Tris 🐯
Omg stop
From: Tris 🐯
Nah 😏
To: Tris 🐯
If I tell you will you stop?
From: Tris 🐯
To: Tris 🐯

I locked my phone and just smirked at him and my phone went off again.

From: Tris 🐯
That's not very nice :(

I jutted out my bottom lip a little and made a heart shape with my hands and he came over and sat on my lap and pouted.

"Tell me or I won't leave" he whispered and I shrugged.

Brad gave me a question look and then laid on Tristan.

"What the hell is going on there?" James asked.
"You see, this was suppose to be a Tradley sandwich but it didn't work out very well" I replied while Tristan pushed Brad off.
"Then I'll fix it" Brad said and pushed Tristan off and knocked me into Tristan with a hug. "See?"
"Yup, something is definitely going on between you and Brad since you're not telling me and answer" Tristan whispered quietly so no one can hear and I playfully hit his chest and he laughed.

After a while, I started to get uncomfortable so I pushed Brad off me and sat up properly and he pouted.

"I was comfortable!" He whined.
"Then get comfortable again?" I replied a little confused.

With that, he lays his head on my lap.

"Done!" He said and I laughed.


I woke up to see that I was in my bedroom. I don't remember falling asleep at all when the boys were here. I rolled over to check the time and it read 11:48 am and I saw I text from Brad.

From: Brad 💕
Good morning sunshine!
To: Brad 💕
Good morning Bradley xx
From: Brad 💕
Oooh, you called me Bradley and not Brad
Am I in trouble?
To: Brad 💕
No, you're not 😂
From: Brad 💕
Okay, good
To: Brad 💕
Come over later? James isn't going to be here for most of the day
From: Brad 💕
Did you seriously just ask that? Of course! Today's the day where we don't have to hide!
To: Brad 💕
Okay, I'll see you later x
From: Brad 💕

I smiled and locked my phone waiting for James to leave.

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