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Katherine's POV
Brad gasps as he looks into the cave.

"It's perfect for an overnight stay!" He exclaimed. "We have everything here! There's something comfy to lay on, our phones can be our light source!"
"Maybe another time, we need to head back" I replied.
"Please? We have everything that we need already!"
"I don't know who this belongs to, I just found it here"

Even though it's dark, I can picture him pouting.

"Come on, it's late" I said while grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the cave before we get caught. "James is gonna yell at me, it's already 2:30 in the morning"
"I'll get yelled at too, don't worry. I walked off with you and they didn't notice"
"They probably already left so let's just walk home"
"Yay for late night walks!"


I sneaked into the house and did my night routine as quiet as I can and sneaked into my room and into my bed and pulled out my phone.

To: Brad 🎸
Did you make it home safely?
From: Brad 🎸
Just made it, I would ask you the same thing but I walked you home so I know you made it safely
To: Brad 🎸
I also made it safely through the house without waking anyone up :D
From: Brad 🎸
You should go to bed, it's late
To: Brad 🎸
But I don't wanna :(
From: Brad 🎸

In the end, we both stayed up all night texting.


"Where were you last night?" James asked while barging into my room.
"I texted you saying I was with a friend and I didn't know when I was gonna get back" I lied. "I wanted to get to know her more since we just met"
"What text?"
"Oh.. Guess it didn't send"

It looks like he bought it and left.


The boys came over (as usual) and Brad looked super tired, he's not the type of guy to stay up all night.

"You're making me feel bad for making you stay up all night" I pouted.
"Don't feel bad, it was worth it" Brad replied while resting his head on my shoulder.
"Brad!" James yelled which made him shoot up.
"Hm.." He replied and James dumped water all over him. "Aww no!"
"Okay now stay away from me" I said while getting up.
"Oh come on, I know you want a hug!" Brad replied.
"Maybe when you're dried off then yeah"

I ran away with Brad following behind.

"Stop running around!" James yelled.

I ignore him and was about to go up the stairs but Brad caught me from behind and I feel the back of my shirt dampening.

"Got you" he whispered and started ticking me which made me almost collapse to the ground but he stopped before I did.


I sigh in frustration as I look at my review packet for my diploma tomorrow. Me being me, I always save those to the last minute and late at night, never a couple days before. Tears started brimming my eyes, feeling overwhelmed with all the questions I'm reading through.

"Hey" I hear James coo. "What's wrong?"
"I can't do this!" I cried.
"Yes you can! I believe in you. I know this review packet is huge but I know you can do it! Remember you are only writing one diploma this semester just because you worked so hard in the first. Come on, I'll even help you study!"


After spending the night studying with James, I actually felt ready.

"Good luck" James said as he places one of his necklace around my neck like every year and kisses my forehead.
"Awe, sibling goals" Tristan said.
"Bye guys, see you later" I said while heading out the door.
"Bye! Good luck!" I hear the rest yell.
My content is lacking, I feel bad :/
Hopefully next chapter will be better

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