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Women, if you can, try to marry while you're still young and fertile (that's if you want kids). You can still be a career-driven woman and happily married. You can always pursue your career wherever, but you can't get pregnant anytime. A woman is most fertile in her 20s. I want you all to hear me out, I know and I understand that women have a hard time sometimes finding the one, and sometimes there are other challenges that hinder them from marrying young. However, I am not referring to those women. Life happens and we don't always exert control over things.

My point here is based on modern teaching that women should focus on their careers and shouldn't care about childbearing until they're in their mid-30s. Society and social media nowadays even shame women who marry early with remarks like "she won't enjoy her youth days" etc., they're being painted like they aren't aspirational as they should be. Scientifically, women in their 30s face a huge risk of complications during and after pregnancy. All thanks to technological innovations, women in their 20s can now freeze their eggs, but it comes with a prize, and most cannot afford the huge sum of money for that. It's for the exceptionally rich.

I am not insinuating sorrow for 30+ unmarried women, and nor am I shaming them. I am merely encouraging women in their 20s to take marriage seriously. (That's if they want to get married). You can get your degree or any qualification, get a job, and find your person in your 20s. And please, this shouldn't induce you into desperation. Be vigilant and intentional about marriage and childbearing. Have values and qualities for the one you want to be beside you always. Biology is not emotional, but chances of giving birth and giving your best to motherhood decline with time.

Getting happily married and having children isn't less than having a striving career. Motherhood is beautiful, marriage is fulfilling. If you want both, consider staggering variables. Stop listening to women who tell you - you're still a kid in your 20s. They tell you to keep partying, flirting, dating multiple men, and chasing your career without considering marriage. The truth remains, the desirability of a woman for marriage is largely based on her ability to reproduce and have a family. It's the harsh reality.

A man in his old age, let's say 60, will easily marry than a woman in her 60s. It seems unfair right? But it's the burden of biology. There are outliers, but you can't plan your life on unguaranteed exceptions. Reproduction is the driving factor in marriage, in most cases. Life is in times and seasons. Biologically, I want you to think about this. There are men who marry in their 50s and have their first child then, often times, they lack the vitality to raise the kids then. While this exists, it's not ideal, in my opinion. For some, it was uncontrollable circumstances, I understand.

For women who may have married in their 20s and are struggling with infertility, for women who don't find a compatible partner in their 30s, this passage isn't for you. It's for the women that buy into the modern misconception that they can cheat nature. Nature is brutal. Be wise not woke.

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