Chapter 2

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Peter's point of view:
I run through the door just before it rings and rush to my locker. It's a cold and rainy day and being earlier than normal made it better. I hear Harry's voice and laugh. I shut my locker and see him with a girl that genuinely could be a model.
This girl is about 5'5" and has long cocoa hair. Beautiful sunkissed skin and dark brown eyes.
I stare but she is taken out of my vision by a girl with blonde, almost silver hair. She wiggles her fingers at Harry and pulls the mystery girl away. I walk over to Harry and say, "Dude. Who is she?"
"What? Oh. Hi Pete. The girl, oh that's Emery. She's new. She originally lived in Canada but she's pretty nice." Harry replies, in a daze.
"Harry, she could be a model."
"I know."
"Are you two a thing?"
"Woah. Dude I knew your looks could get you places but wow. That's like... Woah."
"I know!" Harry said. "It's a pretty dynamic relationship but we make it work."
"Who was the girl with the blonde hair?"
"Oh that's Felecia Hardy. She's ok I guess."
We walk past Felecia and Emery who appear to be at Emery's locker. I over hear their conversation. "No...... Not even.... Shield agent... Principal... MRD.. Uproot family... J. Jonah Jameson... Dad."
I'm confused but let it slide.
"I'll see you after class Hare."
"See you later Pete."
After school on a Friday. Spider-Man aka Peter Parker is swinging around town. A bank robbery is in progress. Spider-Man swings over to check it out.
Peter's point of view:
As I swing into the crime scene, I notice the cops have it handled. I almost walk away until I hear more heavy duty trucks roll on to the scene.
"Tell your men to stand down detective." A man with an ugly scar across his face says. "We are taking over. There is a hostile, dangerous mutant in there that we are here to extract."
"The robbers have surrendered." The detective says.
"It's a captive, detective." The man grabs a megaphone. "Come out one by one with your hands up, all of you." One by one the people come out. When the fifth person comes out, I notice she is carrying a baby.
"Hault ma'am." The man with a scar says. "Let me see your baby."
"No! Don't touch my baby you freak!" The lady says, paranoid.
"Do you want your child to grow up and hurt people with its mutation?! No I didn't think so, now give me the baby." The man snatches the baby and immediately it starts bawling. I jump from the building and stand in front of the scar faced man.
"What did that baby ever do to you Scar?"
"It's what it will do." Scar says.
"Give that baby back. Now." A woman says from the crowd that has gathered.
"What are you gonna do about it lady? I don't think you can do anything." Scar says.
"I can stop you." She says as she steps out of the crowd. She has dark brown hair in a ponytail and a black leather cropped vest on with tight leather pants.
"Your cute child. But I have direct orders from the governor of-" Scar stops talking as she pulls out two double-bladed axes.
"I'm not going to say it again. Give the lady, back her baby."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm so sorry it's been forever since I've written but I will try to write more often and summer is coming which means no more school :D any anyway... Thanks for reading.

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