Chapter 9

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Emery's point of view:
"Look." I say to the girl. She has black hair in a pixie cut. Her make up is done and she has long lashes. "How would you feel if someone told you, truthfully, that your makeup makes you look like a stripper? To be honest, I know you would feel bad." Her eyes are widened. "But really, your makeup doesn't make you look like a stripper. It actually looks really good."
"You're just saying that." She huffs.
"No I'm not. But you have to realize that I'm not sorry for ending it with Harry. He wasn't for me. And I bet you're not sorry your makeup makes you look really pretty. You need to realize that just because I'm in a relationship the day after another ended, it doesn't mean I'm a slut. It means I'm human."
She hangs her head. "I'm sorry."
"You did nothing that wasn't natural. I'm not mad I just wanted to prove a point."
The warning bell rings and we head our separate ways. I meet up with Felecia after 4th hour and she has so many questions.
"How did it feel? Is he a good kisser? Have you gotten hate?"
"Yes to all of it!"
"Okay then."
"Well I'm not in the mood to answer trivia about my new boyfriend." I sass.
"Hey! Are you Peters knew girlfriend?" A guy has an arm around my shoulder. He has olive skin and dark eyes and hair.
"Yeah. So?" I shrug his arm off. It was getting awkward.
"I'm Sam Alexander. I'm his best friend." He has a million dollar smile and he knows it.
"Get away from her Sam!" A deep voice from behind me. I turn to see a tall, dark skinned kid. He's in my Criminal justice class so I know who he is.
"Hello Muscles." Felicia flirts in her catty way.
"Well hello." He returns
"And ew." I commentate.
"I'm Luke. Luke Cage." He says holding out his hand. I take it but an getting death glares from my bff.
"Well does Peter have anymore surprises?" I say letting go of Luke's hand. Not only does he look strong, he is strong.
"Hai. I'm Danny." I turn to see a blonde teen who gives off a hippie vibe. It's magical and I've felt it before!
"Hi." I whisper.
"Hi." He looks at me. Then, from behind him a girl comes up from behind him. She puts a hand on his shoulder. She has olive skin and dark eyes that match her even darker hair.
"I'm Ava." She pronounces. "You need to come with us.

508. That's how many reads I have! I'm so happy! And also sad I didn't update sooner.

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