Chapter 21

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Peter's point of view:
"She did what?" Sam yells across the training room.
"Yeah and a fugitive was with her." Ava walks up to me and puts her hands on my shoulder. "And the fugitive is a part of the brotherhood."
"Was." I whisper.
"No. She was spotted out with Avalanche just a few days ago."
"That doesn't mean shit!" I back away from Ava and her hands drop off my shoulder. She has a look of betrayal on her face.
"Calm is very necessary in situations like these." Iron Fist says.
"Look Fist, no offense but we don't need your fortune cookie bs." Ava says to him. He puts a hand on his chest and looks at her like he's offended.
"He was only trying to help, Ava, chill!" Powerman comes away from the wall and puts a hand on Fists shoulder.
"Well being a fortune cookie doesn't win battles." Ava snaps back.
"Actually without me, the stereotypical cookie associated with Japan, you all would have lost a lot more battles then we have." Danny scoffs.
A bright light flashes in the training room. I turn away from it because it's too bright. When it subsides, I look up. In the middle of our room, is none other then Ms Maverick. She has on her costume which hugs her curves nicely and- ugh I'm mad at her and into Ava! What am I thinking!

Emery's point of view:
"Girl you will not believe what Magneto was having Sinister do to you!" Domino twirls her gun on her index finger.
"What did that bastard have the little spider bitch do to me?"
"He had Sinister perfect his cloning technique that he used to make Jean and Scotts son."
"And how does that affect me?"
"Magneto wanted a clone of you."
"Wait what?!"
"Yeah. And it's now operational. Under code name: Weapon 9."
"I'm going to ask an obvious question here. Why?"
"Because he wants to infiltrate SHEILD and take down the MRD from the inside."
"Good let him do it what do I care."
"Emery! He's going to have Weapon 9 kill everyone in both organizations!"
I start hovering. "I gotta go." I say to Domino.
"Go kick some clone ass." She gives me a thumbs up and I race off to Manhattan.
I break the sound barrier only 4 times and get there in about 10 minutes. I decide to just fly into a wall and hope I'm not arrested.
'Here goes nothing.' As I slam my shoulder into one of the steel walls. I almost run into the inside wall but stop just  in time.
I turn around to see my old team. With my clone. I feel my eyes glow brighter. My hands get hot with electricity.
"Weapon 9!" I shout.
"Excuse me what." Weapon 9 says.
"You heard me." I raise me hand in the air and pull out all the electricity I can from the room. It grows into this big ball.
Sam steps in front of my clone. "Whoever you are," he says to me "you'll have to get through me to hurt her." He powers up.
Ava draws her claws and Iron Fist puts his hands together and I started to realize I was going to have to fight my friends to kill my clone.
And if I had to do that to save the world, then I would.

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