Chapter 16

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Peter's point of view:
Emery has settled nicely back into her life, but she won't open up to anyone about where she was or where she had been. Whenever someone brought up her missing time from society, all she'll say is "I wasn't myself and the world deserves for all of me to be here."
She has kinda grown this bitchy attitude and it's not necessarily my favorite thing about her right now. Matter of fact, I'm avoiding her.
"Hey!! Have you spoken to Emery today?" Sam asks me in the hallway in the helicarrier.
"I actually haven't dude. But what do you need?" I ask him.
"She didn't report to training. Her watch isn't pinging of any of shields towers." He steps in front of me blocking my path.
"Get outta my way dude." I grumble.
"Excuse me what?" Sam puts a hand to his ear.
"Get out of my way bucket head or I'll play kick the can with your helmet." I snap.
"Calm down bug."
"Who gives a-"
"Boys!" Ava shouts at us from down the hall. "Fury. Meeting. Now."
We run to the meeting room. In there is a big tv. On it is Emery contained in a cube. She's passed out cold.
"What the hell Fury?!" Sam says before I can.
"She needed to be quarantined. She killed 10 of our agents with her bare hands and if we hadn't subdued her, she would have killed everyone and their mother."
"Excuse me?" I say to Fury.
"You heard me Parker. She's gone nuts."
Screaming came from the screen. We all turn to see Emery spasmodic in her box. She's slamming her everything against the walls. It's cringe worthy.
"Sir!" The head doctor says through the camera. "We can't track her brain activity! It's showing up as non existent but she's still breathing and functioning as you can see."
"She's a maverick." I say to the screen.
"No doctor has ever documented working on one!!" The doc panics.
"If you can't control her, we'll have to think about more permanent solutions for her." Fury states.
"I can help her." A voice says from behind me. I turn to see a very attractive young man. He has his black almost blue hair in a bun. He's probably 6'3", Jewish, but he has very dark eyes.
"Who are you?" Fury asks, putting a hand on his waist.
"My name is Kurt. You can look me up, I'm with the X-Men." He puts his brief case on the table and gets out a device. It's all black and he hands it to Sam. "Go give this to the doctor and tell him to put this on her box and press the yellow X button."
Sam powers up. He gives a little nod before he races off to the experimentation room. We see him appear on the screen briefly, talking rapidly to the doc then flying back. The doctor, without hesitation, does what Kurt from X-Men told him to do and we see electricity flow around the box. Emery freezes, not moving an inch. Then, she sits down putting her hands in her lap and closes her eyes.
"Her vitals!" We jump at the sound of the doctor. "They're normal."
"And as long as Forges machine is in there, she'll be in a meditative state. A coma, if you will." Kurt says, closing the brief case. I notice a black watch on his wrist. I'm pretty sure I've seen it before.
"Hey, do you know what time it is?" I ask Kurt, nodding to his watch.
He puts a hand to his watch, adjusting it ever so slightly. "This old thing was given to me buy an old friend. Hasn't told time in years." He gives us a nod as to say goodbye, then heads towards the door. He pauses in the doorway and turns to face us one more time. "The professor will be here later this week to pick her up." Then he's gone, leaving nothing but a puff of smoke behind him.

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