Chapter 8

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Emery's point of view:
"Hey sweetie!" Harry says to me coming to me and kissing me on the cheek. I look away. He's not really my favorite person right now.
Peter told me Harry yelled at him for taking me in. It's kinda a jerky thing to do.
"What's up with you today?" He puts a hand on my shoulder and turns me so I'm facing him.
"Do you really want to know!" I snap.
People look up from what they're doing.
"Calm down." Harry's eyes dart back and forth.
"No! Harry! I won't! You need to realize we're done. I can't stand the fact that you're a jerk one minute then a sweet heart the next! I can't deal with you're bipolarness!"
"Where is this coming from!" He hisses.
"You yelled at Peter for caring about me! My house was destroyed and all you cared about was that Peter and I are under the same roof."
"Calm down!!"
"You know what?" I take a step away from Harry. "You're ridiculous and I have no idea why we're together."
Harry takes a breath. "You really need to stop being such a whinny bitch."
"That's it." I scream at the top lungs. "We are through." By now the whole school is looking at us, so I take advantage of it. "You here that school! We're done!"
With that I turn away and don't look back.

At Peter Parker's house after school

"You don't have to break up with him for me!" Peter yells.
"Well what if I want to!" I shout back.
"Why?" He whispers. He grabs my hand and squeezes it.
"Because you're better then him."
"He's richer than me."
I laugh. "That's not what I look at. I like you better than Harry."
"Like what does that mean?"
"I think I'm in love with you Peter Parker."
"What?" He takes a step backwards. Letting go of me altogether. I can already feel the emptiness of where he was touching me.
His brown hair is tucked behind his ears. Brown eyes are shining. He has his hands in his pockets and is inspecting his shoes.
"Peter, you know what-" I'm interrupted by Peter pulling me into a passionate kiss. I melt at his touch. This is something I've wanted for a very long time.
After pulling away, he tucks a hair behind my ear. "I love you too."

Next day at 9:34am. Peter and Emery are walking down the hall hand in hand.
"Who's the knew happy couple?"
"Hot hot hot." One guy says
"Slut slut slut." The girl replies. She has her arms crossed across her chest. "She just broke up with Harry." I can feel the disgust leaking from her mouth.
"Hey, are you okay?" Peter says to me. I realize I've stopped straight in front of the group talking about me.
"One sec." I say to him. With that I start walking up to girl.

Hey I've been dealing with writers block for both my stories and on top of that I've started school recently. So I've been swamped!

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