Chapter 12

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Peters point of view:
The last time I saw her was New Years. We went on top of the Jamison tower to see the ball drop. It was a beautiful sight. But I couldn't hold it in any longer.
        ~end of flashback~
"We got an alert." Ava says to me.
"For what?" I reply.
"A robbery at stark tower."
"Let's go!"
"It happened last night." She sighs.
"Alright let's go."
             ~Stark Tower~
"Where is it!" Tony shouts.
"What is going on iron!" I say to Tony.
"The sword! It's gone and we were almost done translating it!" His frustration boils over.
"What sword Tony!" Ava practically has to scream over Tony's cries.
  "The sword that turned James Jamison into a wolf is gone! Without a trace!"
Three months of silence. Three months of holding back. Three months of waiting for her to pour her (full) heart out to me. But in those three months, it never came up. After those three months I couldn't hold it in anymore.
I didn't hold anything back. And neither did she.
           ~end of Flashback~
Some days I miss her, others I don't. But seeing her again flooded me with emotions.
She's with a girl in a black cat costume. They are just giving each other looks. No talking just looks. The looks of thieves. And they are thick.
A thing tilts. Wobbles. Then falls. But it doesn't hit the ground. Some how, some way, it floats.
"Don't. Loose. Concentration." Black Cat whispers softly. Almost a hiss. "I'll grab it." She slithers through the lasers. Not a hair on her head sets off any alarm. When she get to the end of the corridor, she pulls a Bobby pun out of hair.
'Typical' I think. Then White tiger is out cold. Knocked in the side of the head with a floating baseball bat. And there is only one explanation for that. Ms. Maverick turns and looks at me. Her eyes are white. No pupils just whites. And it's the brightest white I've ever seen. It shines from every direction.
Her costume is different. It's a black leotard with an insignia I don't recognize in the dead center of it. It's yellow and it kinda resembles a star.
She rushes me and slams me into the wall behind me before I can swing away. I can hear a rib crack as she punches me repeatedly. Then I see white claws prying Maverick off of me. Maverick doesn't haste. She elbows Ava straight in the middle of  her ribs. She is pushed 30 ft back into a steel door. At that I realize no help is coming. But surprisingly she stops for a minute. Her pupils come back. She breaths heavily and then whispers "Sinister." into my ear. Her  eyes turn back and she flies over and picks Black Cat up and flies out the window. Leaving me wanting more. Wanting to know more. Want. Lust. Her. 

What did I just write.

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