Chapter 5

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Peter's point of view:
"What secret?" Emery says, smoothly. She tucks her cocoa hair behind her ear. Her dark eyes make eye contact with mine and I quickly look away. I can't like my best friends girlfriend!
"The only way to say this is that you're crazy!" I start. "You ran right up to that man-"
"Trask." She interrupts. Her eyes get wide when I stop talking and she blushes.
"It's fine that you did that. I needed to know his name anyway. And you risked your life to save that baby. But you then get arrested and Wolverine storms onto the helicarrier looking for you. He then save your life and brings you home." By this time, Emery's laughing. "What's so funny?" I smile.
"I should've seen it the moment you walked in. You both have the same body type. Peter Parker, your Spider-Man." She smiles. Her smile then fades and she looks down at her feet. "I guess that means Fury told you about me."
"No." I say, trying not to show intrigue. She sighs.
"You might wanna sit down for this." She tells me.
The next day at school. It's third period. 1:06pm in calculus two.

I can't concentrate. Normally I zoom through my in class packet but today, I'm 'slow'. I normally finish a packet in 15 minutes but today it takes me 23 minutes. I'm still done first and I get dismissed with half an hour left.
I'm walking to my locker when I see Emery's friend, Felecia, walking out of her class room. She rushes past me, not acknowledging my presence. She spins the dial quickly on her locker and pulls out a black duffle bag. Felecia runs out the building looking over her shoulder, trying and failing to see someone behind her.
'I wonder what that was about.' I think. Then, Principal-Agent Colson is tapping me on the shoulder and telling me to go back to class. I sigh and saunter my way in to the class I just left but instead of learning, they're all watching the tv. On it is something out of a horror movie. 
A 40 foot robot is roaming the streets of New York. J. Jonah Loudmouth is giving the coverage on it. "This robot controlled by the MRD is here to collect a wanted mutant under the alias Wolverine who is needed for trying to help fellow mutants escape the capture of the MRD. Consider him armed and dangerous."
'For once he isn't ranting about me.' I think.
"And clearly by this picture, the menace Spider-Man works with this wanted criminal!" On the screen is a picture from when Wolverine and I switched bodies. I roll my eyes. 'Typical Jameson.' I think.
"Wait a second." He says. We are all at the edge of our seats. JJJ listens in to his earpiece.
"We are getting a live stream from our helicopter on what is going on. Watch."
Everyone looks at me because, without knowing it, I gasp. I see Ms. Maverick aka Emery punching huge dents in the machine. And then, I remember her secret.
"Teach I gotta-" I start but am cut off by the innercome going off. Colson gets on the microphone and clears his throat to start.
"Students, class has been dismissed early today due to the state of emergency the governor just announced." Everyone, instead of cheering, gets eerily quiet.
"The buses will transport everyone one home and there will be no one walking home."
'Oh great. This is just fabulous.' I think.
"Peter Parker, you're also wanted in my office. Have a safe rest of your day Midtown."
I hop out of my seat and practically run to his office. I open the door and see him with with his SHEILD gear on.
"Parker." He says, opening the window, he gives a bid and I jump out of it, costume in hand. I change beside the dumpster. U only have one thing on my mind: I have to get to Emery's house before Magneto does.
Magneto makes it! I love him! But fr, this girl is deeper than I am  (I think). :D

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