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It was a gift to have the ability to read humans like an open book. All it took for a brunette to cognizance Midoriya's concern: a pout, furrowed eyebrows and a thoughtful gleam in his eye. It was obvious he had a closer relationship with the two than the other students. Uraraka followed his eyes as she began. "Who do you think'll win Deku?"

Truthfully, "I don't know..." Midoriya took a halt at his words as he reminisced the past fights he'd seen (Y/N) in. "(L/N)'s quirk is still unknown to me but one thing can confirm is that she won't stop until she wins."

Now that he recalled, (Y/N) had never told him about her power.

"Yeah but neither will Bakugou."

Kaminari chimed in, leaning over the seat before him. "You don't know anything about her quirk? I thought you studied all of our quirks."

"Well.." Midoriya moved his hand over to give his nape a light scratch, a bit bashful by the statement. "I do, but I've never asked her."

The electric blonde slowly nodded, sticking out his bottom lip as so. "Eh—all I know is that it's obviously something related to weather control. Like Storm."

"Right...but his quirk is in his feathers. Each one has a different ability, he can choose and mix creating different types of storms. It's the same with Vixen but with her tails."

"Who's Vixen?"

Being the fan of Storm that he is, Denki added on. "It's Storms ex-wife, another underground hero that worked with her charm."

"Wow, someone's a fan." Teased Sero, nudging over at Kirishima.

"Cut it out guys!"

"It's kind of scary you know." Tsuyu intervened, large black eyes eyeing the arena. "How alike they are...."

"Bakugou and (L/N)? Are you joking?" Kaminari chocked on his spit, baffled he avowed too quickly. "Unlike him, (L/N)'s super nice and chill too."

Perhaps he had answered the question a little too fast, the whole class eyed him in suspicion. The two never particularly were seen together, which could only mean one thing...

"I knew it! Something did happen between you two!" Squealed Ashido, practically jumping on her seat. "Spill!"

And the pink tint on his cheeks hadn't helped one bit. "Nothing happened!" The eccentric blonde retorted. "She's only going to help me out with an internship with Storm!"

"Bakugou chill too."

"Be for real now, they've both got their issues."

After that verdant eyed boy sorta muted their conversation and proceeded to gaze down at the hallway openings. Tsuyu's words swarmed through his train of thought.

Kacchan and (L/N) carried themselves in similar ways, seeking the top no matter what cost. They almost acted the same too, the only difference was that (Y/N) wasn't a bully.

When they interacted, it either went two ways: the two bickered or she ignored him completely.
It was Bakugou who always found his was after (Y/N), never the opposite.

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