Chapter 4

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*Bellemy POV*

That Princess is so stubborn. I walk through the the woods heading back to camp. Why did I even follow Clarke, I think her name is, out here. I hop over I'll log as a feel metal against my thigh. I freeze my gun. That gun is the gun I used to shoot the Chancler. The Chancler. I almost want to throw the gun away. Who knows I could use it for hunting. I walk a few steps forward as I hear agonizing screams. Clarke?

I sprint toward and pull my gun out. As the screams get louder I see.... A man? No it can't be. It's a person not from our group. My face pales as I see a spear sticking right through Clarke. The man picks up a knife about to do the finishing cut on her throat when I aim my gun at the perfect moment. BANG. My gun shoots him in the head. I'm startled myself for a minute. Clarke. I go over to her. I see the spear coming out of both sides. I decide to pick her up and carry her the rest of the way back to camp because there is no way she is getting back alone. She should be dead, but then again she is stubborn, probably to stubborn to die. I laugh at that, then still realizing that Clarke is hurt bad and hurry my pace.

I run into camp carrying Clarke as she drift ls in and out of conciseness. "Take my shirt off." She orders me. I give her a little smirk but follow. "Keep the.... Keep the spear in." She manages to say. Im frustrated as a clean the blood from her wound. " You know Charlotte?" She asks me as I continues to dap blood of of her stomach.

"Yeah," I reply "the thirteen year old?"

"Yup," she quietly tells me. "Send her out with a group because I think she knows where the seaweed is."

"Seaweed?" I ask.

"Yeah, it has some antibiotic features."

"Okay" I reply back. "Octavia!" I yell out.

She runs in. "Yeah, Bell?"

"I need you to clean the wound whil I get some stuff for it." I hurriedly tell her.

"Ok, got it. Go, bell. It's under control."

I get outside and announce to the group. Charlotte, Miller, Finn, and I head out to go get the seaweed. Hopefully my princess is okay. Wait... My? No, she's just a little privileged. Let's get on with this trip. I quickly pick up my pace. Here we go.

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