10. Too good to be true pt.2

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-4:37 p.m.
-Lehlanie's house

Skie's POV

Before we pulled up to the crib Aliiysa took me to Walmart and I got some takis, hot cheetos puffs, gummy lifesavers, kitkat minis, Powerade and some pain meds. I was in a pretty good mood, but for some reason the closer we got to her house I got this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I'm not sure what it is but I have a feeling something is gonna happen. Call me dramatic all you want but usually when I have a gut feeling about something, something usually happens.

I guess Aliiysa picked up on my mood swing. "Hey, you good?" She asked

Usually I would've lied and said yea but I'm trying to be more open with her so we'll have more trust build if we plan on making it official soon.

"Um...I'm jus having a weird feeling and ion know what it is." I said

"Why, you nervous?"

"...I-Ion know." I hesitated

She then reached her hand over to my thigh and rested her hand on it. "Okay if we go in there and you feel uncomfortable we can leave. I just want them to get use to you because they're gonna be seeing more of you now. Hopefully when we go in there they don't act like an ass, especially Jewl." She said

I nodded in understanding and we both got out the car. Before Aliiysa knocked on the door the door swung open to reveal a the short white girl I saw at the mall. She was wearing a all black Nike sweatsuit with some black and white vans....kinda reminds you of a billie eilish impersonator.
(a/n is it just me or did vans completely disappeared outta nowhere?)

"What's good Jewl." Aliiysa said, giving her a hug.

"Hey love, come on in." Jewl said, not even paying any attention to me

....yea im ready to go already.

I followed Aliiysa to the living room and saw a group of people playing Uno and laughing.

"What's good gang." Aliiysa said going to dap everybody up.

She came back over to me and put her arm on my shoulder. "Ight, I would like y'all to meet Skie. Skie this is Markus, Lehlanie, James and Jewl is the one that opened the door."

I quickly analyzed each of their faces.
-Markus is madd tall...around 6'7, dark skinned, has a face full of facial hair , dreads and has a nose piercing.
-James was mixed, stood at about my height, had long curly hair, mustache and a small face tat. -Lehlanie was brown skinned, wears glasses, looks around 5 feet,has light brown and white box braids with little jewel pieces.

"Yea, you shorty from the mall right?" Markus asked

"Yea, and I'd appreciate it if you don't call me shorty." I chuckled

"You got a girlfriend Skie?" Lehlanie asked

I made a quick glance at Aliiysa, not making it too obvious...hopeful she would bud in and save me but she didn't.

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